
The sacred power of shamanistic amulets

How to become stronger, richer and happier? Aayla Shaman knows the answer – to get the right amulets and talismans.

the sacred power of shamanistic amulets


Traditional culture has long been considered a relic of the past. Family ties weakened, the continuity of the lineage brought to nought the age-old traditions, all this has led to the depreciation of the experience of generations. Amulets that were once passed down from generation to generation, that were carefully kept even during terrible wars and upheavals, today are unlikely to be found in the jewelry box. 

We have forgotten how to keep what we got from our ancestors, but we have learned to buy whatever our heart desires. In stores and souvenir shops they sell all kinds of symbols both traditionally religious and spiritual and metaphysical, and they can offer amulets and talismans to match your zodiac sign, eye color and, of course, the size of your purse. 

The problem with such symbols lies in its content, they are just souvenir fakes in terms of energy. Often these are products of mass production, sometimes Chinese, sometimes made in haste by local craftsmen. And the worst thing is that in these trinkets have, with rare exceptions, lies the negative force.

What is behind all these symbols, letters, hieroglyphs that adorn the bracelet carefully held out to you by the vendor? The danger of such amulets is that we do not know what spiritual power they are filled with, who they are charged by and what for. What if a harmless pendant or ring will draw energy from you?

Warning: never buy mass-produced amulets from people you don’t know! Do not become victims of “black magic”!

power of shamanistic amulets

Don’t buy ritual things! Perhaps an African mask or a Mexican figure of an ancient God was used for human offerings or dark sorcery rites. Spirits of death, which will bring danger, disease and death itself into your house, can live in such objects. 

Such stories are not uncommon. One of them happened to our student Helen:

A year ago, while on vacation in Morocco, I bought a mask at a local bazaar. It somehow sank into my heart – with its noble-looking wood and interesting face. However, it was a usual souvenir. I returned home, hung up the mask in the living room and then it all began… First all the flowers withered, then the cat, our family pet, got seriously ill. The cat was taken by my brother, he lives in a cottage, saying that the animal would feel better in the fresh air. The cat was saved from death… 


Then my mother got sick. She is quite a youngish woman, sporty, she doesn’t drink, she doesn’t smoke and is very positive. Doctors couldn’t find anything, and my mother just faded away by the minute. In tears, I asked the shaman for help. He figured it out. He told to destroy the mask, and performed a cleansing ritual in the apartment. Now Mom is spry and cheerful again. A nice gift I brought for my family…

Be selective and careful when choosing an amulet. The mystery of jewelry can be ominous. Best ask a shaman for help, in order to purchase unique and individual amulets and talismans. The shaman personally charges each item to make your life safe and happy.

sacred power of shamanistic amulets


Shamanistic amulet is a gift of the higher worlds to the shaman. Performing the rite, the spiritual journey, the shaman brings into our world the guiding spirits, the intermediaries between the human world and the spirit world. In the future, they become invisible helpers. To hide the energy from strangers and to show respect to the sacred powers, the shaman directs every spirit in the so-called a receptacle – a special subject. 

The receptacles for spirits can be different, the strongest guardian spirits find their lives in the symbolism of the shaman’s clothing. After every rite they are becoming more and more on the clothes. These symbols help the shaman to communicate with the spirit world, perform rites, heal and help people. 

The shaman’s costume itself has great energy, which is why it is not worn every day, but only during the rituals, and should be treated very carefully. You can draw an analogy with superheroes – they also do not walk around in cloaks and masks in everyday life, but wear them only when they are saving the world. 

Creating amulets and talismans, the shaman does not just give them some image, he puts in a chosen spirit, which is responsible for health, luck, happiness, well-being, and it will protect from bad people, help in business and even heal. This amulet can be worn every day, you can take it with you on trips or important meetings, or store it at home or in a car. The shaman will advise, for example, an amulet that will attract a man. 

One day a woman came to our training. The problem she had was petty – a new car. What kind of problem is it, you may ask, it is a great joy. The fact was that for the first month three wheels broke down in that new car. Right while driving (fortunately, not so fast) the wheels bent. The insurance, of course, covered the repair, but the woman was just scared to drive the car. In addition, she bought a car to drive her 5-year-old daughter to the kindergarten. The woman was terrified. At the training, she was advised to buy a special amulet charged by the shaman. The car hasn’t broken down since. As our student said, it even was as if gasoline ran out less often. 

I knows which spirit should be put in the receptacle to help you solve the problems.

 In the next article we will tell you what amulets there are and how to store them correctly

You can buy amulets and talismans at our seminars and trainings. Here you can see the schedule.

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