Women’s role in family well-being
How to become a true guardian and head of your family
Many women live in captivity to illusions that penetrate invisibly into their life through fairy tales and movies. Every woman wants to have magic prince, who would kiss her gently in the morning and would be quick to understand her. But let’s be honest: how well do we answer expectations of men for the ideal woman? Do we know how to be true family keepers? Aayla Shaman talks about our role in family well-being.
Modern women are different from their great-grandmothers, they pay more attention to their career and self-realization. You can understand them. Breaking out of the shackles of restrictions and prohibitions, they want to enjoy freedom in full, to find their way. However, no matter how many projects we have implemented, how many great discoveries we have made, the microclimate in the house, the spiritual well-being of our loved ones and their desire to return home depend on a woman. A standard set of mother-wife-friend most often includes a huge list of duties and skills. An accountant, cook, doctor, psychologist, secretary, teacher, manager, who must remember all birthdays, husband and children’s schedule, not to forget to pay bills and insurance policies on time, to organize family events… And these are not all responsibilities, there are many more of them. You probably want to ask a question, how to manage all this and find internal resources? Aayla Shaman will share with us her knowledge about the role of women in the family.
‘Why do I need somebody’s help, I can do it myself perfectly! Why should I ask and humble myself before someone. I will do it faster!’ We hope that you do not live up to these principles. Such radical words and judgments are destructive for a woman and her sexual energy. In a burst of emotions you will first conquer peaks, but in time, your inner resource will fade and you will start facing loneliness, diseases, problems with money. So what to do? How to find this fine line between the desire to be independent, strong and loving keeper of your family hearth?
To fulfill her predestination in her family, a woman needs: self-confidence, no fear for the future of her children, unlimited and unconditional faith in her man. Only then she can create an invisible and strong protection against all problems around her family!
According to Siberian shamanism, woman is the keeper and head of her family. Creating a family or starting a romantic relationship, she takes upon herself the duty to form a perfect union, to fill the family tree with the power of love and mutual respect, to pray for the well-being of her family, the success of her man, to form and adhere to family traditions. However, no matter how wonderful and wise she is, it is always harder to deal with all this alone. A man should give her the opportunity to be a woman in the true sense of the word, taking upon him responsibility for her family and for the woman he loves.
Family is a perfect and harmonious union of two complete personalities, who trust and support each other.
Angelica, Magdeburg
We were about to break our family. Continuing quarrels over domestic issues, jealousy, resentment, finger-pointing. “Why did you take another project? You spend too little time at home’. ‘Why didn’t you tell me that you were going on a business trip? Now I have to make a huge hook to get our daughter to school and not to be late for work”. I realized that if nothing changes, we will divorce with scandal and our child will be harmed, first of all. My husband could not stand family psychologists; we were left to our own devices. Searching for answers led me to a shamaness. Now I know that it was my guardian angel who brought me to her.
Aayla saw me and helped me solve a tangle of personal and family problems, understand the true reasons of difficulties and look at myself from outside. Of course, psychologists also analyze our childhood and our actions, but Aayla looked into the depths. Karmic diagnostics and birth tree analysis allowed us to get rid of old grievances. It was harder to understand and accept that our relationship was falling apart because of my first marriage. Heavy and toxic energy of my ex kept devastating me and suppressed my female power. He, as a vampire, pulled force out of me, despite the distance. Energy womb cleansing helped to break this connection.
I don’t know all mechanisms of shamanism. Everything that happens at seminars and Places of Power is still a good magic for me, and the amulet from Aayla protects me and my relatives from problems and envy.
Practices for purification
Every new day is a million opportunities to give your loved ones a smile and love, to become more beautiful and healthy, to overcome a new step in the career ladder, to learn something new and show mercy to someone in need. Having let the first rays of sun into the room, do not hurry to run towards the new day – stop and listen to yourself. The set of practices for awakening is strictly individual and depends on such factors as astral map, current psycho-emotional state, health condition, and plans for the day, and much more.
And yet all these practices have common features – greeting and gratitude to the spirits for their support and help, performing shamanic breathing exercises, awakening of female lineage energy and prayer help for the entire lineage.
After letting go of sleep and morning comfort, you can start a new day with a smile on your face. Believe us, it works exactly like that, because shamanic rituals fill you with energy and the feeling of happiness.
The individual set of practices includes not only morning rituals, but also the evening ones. During the day there are many different events, sometimes you have to communicate with people who have a strong toxic energy. Sometimes you have to correct mistakes of your colleagues, to solve problems at work… Alas, even bad news pulls a life-giving force out of us. To protect your aura from negative effects, shamanism offers a number of cleansing evening practices that any woman can perform.
You can get your unique set of cleansing practices during courses and workshops. Unfortunately, many of our students are now unable to join our classes because of the pandemic. For them, Aayla Shaman provides individual consultations and online workshops. Fill out the form (the interface is very simple and you will not have any difficulties) and wait for someone to contact you.
Prayer for your family and your lineage
There is always a prayer for family and ancestors in the complex of morning rituals of purification. A woman can do it on her own, as a guardian of the family tree, to ask the ancestors’ spirits for happiness, health and prosperity to all family members. Or she can say it together with her family members at breakfast, if they support her desire to observe ancient shamanic traditions.
Saying a family prayer is an important part of every woman’s life, without her participation, the family tree can die.
Family holidays and formation of traditions
First steps in creating and organizing family traditions and holidays, of course, will require your strength and even training. But in time it will become an integral part of life in which your husband and children will participate, offer their ideas and support your endeavors.
The main task of family holidays is to bring together family members at the level of emotions and joint activities. Sitting down at the table, organizing a game or a joint trip, show each of your loved ones that they have the rear and support, give them joyful emotions, and most importantly – show them the path of their predestination!
It is hard to believe, but there is a real mystery and magic behind family traditions and joint meals. And it’s not about having a pizza on the table or a freshly baked solar pie from the oven, it is about being together. Thank the spirits for this gift. Aayla Shaman recommends forgetting about quarrels, resentments or difficulties at this time. Want to discuss problems? Talk about them after meal.
Female Sexual Energy
A woman has to start any changes in her family and lineage traditions with herself and her womb. In shamanism the womb represents a vessel that stores health, karmic and lineage energy received from ancestors and natal planets, sexual and romantic experience, as well as the success of her beloved man. Unfortunately, negativity in the form of stress, treachery, resentment, envy, disease also penetrates this sacral vessel. Therefore, keeping the womb energetically and physically clean is an important task for each of us.
Adhering to cleansing practices allows a woman to perform sacral rituals to attract health, happiness, success and prosperity, the opportunity to experience the joy of becoming a mother. Generously share the gifts you receive with your loved ones!
It is not difficult to learning to perform the cleansing practices. But if you have doubts and fear to do something wrong, sign up for individual consultations or special training. Aayla Shaman and our mentors will introduce you to one of the most effective practices designed to maintain health of a woman. They will help you release from connections you’re your ex sexual partners and gain understanding in new relationships. The trusting atmosphere and energetic practices will give you the opportunity to start looking 5-7 years younger and get filled with invigorating energy. You will certainly not be left alone on the way to solving problems in your relationship.
You have gained new knowledge, and now it is time for you to become a ray of light for other people. Share this article with them, invite them to become a part of the Field of Love, come together to live workshops, sign up for online seminars of Aayla Shaman. Help people and God will help you!
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