Summer solstice 2020: how to prepare for it
Aayla Shaman speaks about peculiarities of this day
Solstice takes place twice a year: in winter and in summer. It’s the day the sun reaches its highest peak. In 2020, Europe will be celebrating the summer solstice day on June 20 at 21:44 GMT. There is an unusual phenomenon waiting for us this year – solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice Day. The Earth, the Moon and the Sun will be on the same line. It means that two strong energy streams, the lunar and solar one, will connect. At this moment, one has to participate in special rituals, which will be held by Aayla Shaman, to ask the spirits for happiness, good luck, love and success for oneself and all their relatives.
Traditions of the holiday
This wonderful holiday is celebrated by different nations around the world.
It is called differently in different regions, but its essence is the same everywhere – the glorification of the Sun, getting filled with the power of its energy, holding rituals for success and health.
They call the summer solstice day Jan’s Day in the Baltics. In Lithuania, they call this day Jonines. It is celebrated for two whole days. It’s the official day off in Latvia. They celebrate it as a family, go to the nature, make fires, make ritual wreaths, prepare special treats, sing ritual songs, and collect herbs, which acquire special healing properties these days.
The holiday of summer solstice is called Midsommar in Sweden. They also go out of town as a family or with friends, set up a ritual post on the meadow and have fun all night long, jump over fires, do circle dances, make wreaths, make wishes and fortune tell. Tables are full of various delicacies and ritual meals.
The ancient Celts called the solstice Lita. Nowadays, this wonderful, full of joy and ligh holiday t is celebrated in some countries of Western Europe. The Celts believed that the four main elements united on this day, and mythical creatures, fairies, spirits became visible and came into our world. People have fun, fortune tell and jump over the fire all night long. They burn an effigy at dawn.
One of the most important summer solstice celebrations is held at the British Stonehenge. Everyone knows how powerful this Place of Power is.
It was once erected in such a way that its axis coincides with the position of the sun at the moments of the summer and winter solstice.
This is why people come to Stonehenge to perform mystical rituals, pagan ceremonies. The event turns out to be bright, colorful, filled with magic and joy.
Solstice and shamanism
Shamanism treats the holiday of summer solstice as a special sacral period. The borders between the worlds open up and nature radiates its energy to the maximum during this time.
It is during this period that shamans perform powerful energy rituals for prosperity and career growth, the acquisition of natural female beauty and health, family harmony, sexuality, conception, protection of home and family.
They usually start the celebration with meditation and an appeal to the spirits. Only after that the shaman and their students prepare a whole program, which includes mandatory ritual water dip, making of wreaths from herbs and flowers, special cirlce dances and dances around the fire, gifts to the spirits.
Aayla Shaman explains that the Sun’s energy is unusually strong this day. This is the reason why the holiday is celebrated in nature’s lap. It is best if you plan to celebrate it close to a pond, river or lake, forest, area of grass or just a large meadow. Think through all the details, choose a place in advance and discuss all the nuances with all the participants of the shamanic ritual.
If, for any reason, you will celebrate the summer solstice day at home, and not outside the city, prepare for to meet the sun carefully. Be sure to receive the shaman’s blessing and prepare a tray for the ritual candle.
How do you prepare?
The celebration of any holiday in the shamanic tradition is usually based on holding rituals and observing the rules strictly. Women should wear long dresses or skirts on the solstice day. Men should wear wide leg trousers.
If you have the opportunity to wear ethnic clothing made of organic materials, it will help you get the maximum charge of the holiday energy.
Each participant of the festive action must have a certain goal. It is inappropriate to drink alcohol, use foul language and have dirty thoughts, listen to loud, modern music at the celebration. Bring something to have with tea, and bread to feed the spirits. It’s advisable to cook everything yourself!
Aayla Shaman asks to prepare sheets of paper, a set of pencils and special amulets that represent the world of the High Spirits. Your individual magic object will embody the world of eternity, the pen will symbolize the world of the future, fresh flowers will represent the world of the present, and a broken thing or an image of death will represent the world of the past. If you have pictures of the highest shamanic spirits or a deck of shamanic Tarot cards, you can use them.
Shamans believe that the solstice celebration brings together water, fire, earth and air.
Spirits rejoice and also participate in festive events. That is why it is necessary to use all natural elements in rituals and ceremonies this day. Remember: you have to clean up the place and thank the spirits for their hospitality after the celebrations and all the events in the nature!
Dos and don’ts of this special time
- to behave aggressively;
- fall into despair;
- to consume hallucinogenic substances or alcohol;
- to spend the solstice alone;
- to fortune tell.
Things you can and should do:
- conduct purification practices (June 20-23);
- be outdoors as much as possible, in the company of friends, like-minded people, loved ones;
- wear yellow clothes during the day;
- let go of all grievances, thank the universe, be filled with pleasant emotions, let love into your heart.
Hilda, Hamburg:
“There was a situation in my life when I stayed in the same position for five years without a single promotion opportunity. What’s more, I got all sorts scolding for every little thing. That’s because a man who just hated me from the first minute was appointed as my boss.
Before he appeared in our company, I was doing a great job of career advancement. And then I just got desperate and thought about quitting. After all, I didn’t know how to react to criticism yet. And that’s when my friend told me that Aayla Shaman can help me.
I was literary fascinated with the shamanic tradition. I started attending seminars and group classes and decided to go to the Place of Power to meet the Summer Solstice Day. This is how I first celebrated this holiday.
It was a stunning mystical experience! It transformed me and changed my life.
The rituals performed by Aayla Shaman on the summer solstice day helped to solve my main problem – when I returned from vacation, it turned out that my mean boss was transferred to another branch!
This trip gave me the opportunity to start doing my work with pleasure again. I soon became a director of our branch. In addition, I made a lot of friends and obtained a wise mentor Aayla Shaman. All this is a priceless gift of spirits”.
Shamanic tradition calls people to pray for love and health, for happiness of all people of the world. Don’t miss your chance to celebrate the summer solstice day with Aayla Shaman and her students!
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