Shamanic rituals against coronavirus
Protect yourself and your family from the Spirit of disease!
Shamanic rituals and prayers have repeatedly saved our planet from various tragedies, smashes and natural disasters. And humanity again is on the verge of trouble and needs help. Aayla shaman calls on all people of the world to join forces to offer the prayer Field of Love and perform a ritual of exorcizing the Spirit of coronavirus.
How can I help the world?
Aayla shaman receives hundreds of letters and calls every day where people ask her to teach them how to defend themselves from coronavirus. Aayla has repeatedly talked about the importance of taking care of yourself, leading a healthy lifestyle, practicing breathing exercises, and monitoring the energy purity of your home. And of course, about how important is to provide help to those who need it most. All these simple steps help us to resist the Spirit of coronavirus.
But you must always remember that in addition to helping relatives and friends, now we need to help our entire planet. For this purpose, shamans from all over the world joined their forces in the prayer Field of Love.
Every day in the mornings more than 500 people with supernatural abilities in different parts of the world appeal to spirits, asking for support and healing for humanity. Aayla shaman and her students are among them.
During this ritual, shamans envelop the Earth with a cocoon of positive energy. Since January without a break they devote themselves to prayers, trying to keep the mighty Spirit of coronavirus. But they also need help for themselves. So, we invite you to join the worldwide prayer Field of Love. The more participants in this ritual, the more power will humanity have, and the Spirit of disease will weaken every day. Aayla shaman calls to inform about the prayer your friends and acquaintances, relatives and close people, all those whose hearts are bleeding for the fate of our world.
And when millions of ritual participants from around the world begin to pray together, the coronavirus will be retreated!
The world is in danger
Aayla shaman and her students have already faced once a serious epidemic. But at that time the disease threatened animals, not people. In 2003, the spirit of foot and mouth disease appeared in Europe and began to spread rapidly. Farmers from Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Ireland had to destroy whole herds of livestock.
Almost half a million animals died, the authorities urgently established quarantine, huge forest territories were fenced with kilometers of barbed wire to stop the spread of the disease in the wild.
Aayla shaman was able to eliminate the outbreak of the disease, teaming up with her students and shamans from around the world. At that moment, by a lucky chance, she arrived in Amsterdam, held the prayer Field of Love there and created a unique shamanic ritual, the purpose of which was to save European countries from foot and mouth disease.
Although the spirits were very negatively disposed towards people for their consumer attitude and cruelty to animals, they nevertheless responded to the call and changed their anger to mercy.
The epidemiological situation quickly returned to normal, and restrictive measures were soon lifted. But if the shamans had not intervened in time, can you imagine what a terrible catastrophe this anger of spirits could turn for us!
Another great story demonstrates how great the power of shamanic rites is. It happened some time ago in Mexico. A strong earthquake hit the country. Scientists claimed that the scenario would be catastrophic. In order to save lives, the authorities began an urgent evacuation of residents and domestic animal.
At that moment Aayla shaman and her students were at a seminar in one of the Places of Power in Mexico. Without delay, they immediately held the prayer Field of Love. The sacred power of the ancient pyramid gave people the opportunity to strengthen their call to the spirits and to stop the earthquake. And each word of prayer calmed the tremors more and more. Very soon, residents were able to return home and live an ordinary life.
All this helps us to understand in reality that boundless love in the heart, sincere concern for people, ancient shamanic rituals have an amazing ability to stop any tragedy, even of a global scale.
Rituals recommended by Aayla shaman
In quarantine, each of us is able to help ourselves, our family and friends to resist the Spirit of coronavirus and perform a ritual against the Spirit of disease. Aayla shaman advises to perform two powerful rituals.
The first ritual
In the evening, fill a glass cup with clean drinking water and place it near the place where you sleep. Cover it with the image of the goddess Umai. In the morning, after waking up, rub your palms. The time for meditation has come.
We put the glass on the open palm, and cover it with the second palm. Imagine that you are completely healthy, filled to the brim with power and energy. That your immunity has wonderful properties, it copes easily with any disease, and especially with coronavirus. After completing the meditation, swallow water from a glass, after chewing it in your mouth. Slowly and gradually sip all the water from the glass.
This ritual is very effective for personal protection from the spirit of any disease.
The second ritual
If you plan to take part in a prayer for the whole world, then take another glass of water and place it also at night next to your bed. In the morning, follow the same procedure as in the first ritual – first rub your hands, then put the glass on one hand, and cover the water with the second. Direct the flow of your thoughts to the healing of those who have become infected with the coronavirus and to weaken the Spirit of disease.
Notice that if you charged your water with energy in the first ritual and then drank it, now you must pour it out. Do not drink it in any case!
Having completed this ritual, it is necessary to pour liquid into the earth, saying: “I wish love to the whole world. I wish healing to the whole world.” And this water filled with power will seep through the ground and merge with the water of underground rivers.
Imagine if each of us holds this ritual? How much water filled with strong energy will be underground? Entire rivers! And this is a giant creative Power!
Karen, Berlin:
“It so happened that after the divorce I was left almost without a livelihood. Before that, I was a housewife and have never worked. It is clear that getting a job turned out to be very difficult. Savings were dwindling…
And then Aayla shaman appeared in my life. She carried out an individual diagnostic of predestination for me and a special ritual to open the prosperity channel. In other words, she taught me to communicate with the Spirit of money.
Incredible, but it helped! Thanks to Aayla, I realized that I always loved to deal with plants. I began to grow flowers for sale in my kindergarten and after some time I opened my own flower salon. Now there are already several such salons, business thrives and brings a good income.
But what is most important, I found my true predestination and adore my work!
For a long time I have been constantly engaged in the group of Aayla shaman, trying not to miss a single seminar. Now, because of coronavirus, I stay at home, but participate in online events. And every morning, together with all the students and shamans around the world, I hold the ritual against the coronavirus, I offer prayers for the health of the sick, I send my power and prayers to the doctors who work in hospitals. After all, I have already learned by my personal example the true power of shamanic rituals and prayers. With all my heart I believe that together we will defeat the Spirit of coronavirus. “
Join us in our prayer for peace, for love and faith! Only by uniting we save the Earth and humanity!
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