
Shaman Aayla: ‘It’s possible to prevent diseases!’

Why do we get sick and how to avoid it

Let’s see what to do when even modern medicine can’t help in defining the causes of illnesses.

Spirits for soul and body

From the shamanic point of view a human being is a complex microcosm where a lot of spirits live. Apart from beings of upper and lower worlds in each of the human’s body organ there live a special spirit.   

So don’t be surprised to hear that shaman talks to a spirit of heart or lungs. They search for causes of illnesses by penetrating a complex world of human body. A shaman calls for powers of fire, water, earth and air that should fill the body with physical and spiritual energy.

A person has a companion spirit or a ‘spirit of health’ that is responsible for his or her physical and mental health. That spirit should protect body and mind from invasion of beings from the lower world, help spirits of body organs and control coordinated work of the whole body. Any inflammation means that the spirit of health got weak.

Modern medicine: pros and cons

But what about medications? Indeed medicine keeps on making progress every day! But it’s important to understand the difference between a doctor in a hospital and a shaman. The former aims at healing one particular body organ while the latter focuses on curing the whole body and soul in general. Medications should be used as a supplementary measure and not as a miracle elixir for all diseases!

Shamans link causes of illnesses with the fact that evil spirits of diseases penetrate a human body and start destroying it. For example the spirit of wrath affects liver, the spirit of grief and depression afflicts lungs and the spirit of insult hurts heart.

Shamans see causes of illnesses in:

  • low level of power and absence of companion spirits;
  • disconnect form nature;
  • malnutrition and consumption of products with GMO;
  • life in cities with polluted water and air;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • excessive consumption of dietary supplements, medications and vitamins;
  • insults and negative emotions
  • genetic and karmic problems

Fitness club or park?

Will I become healthier if I work out? Not necessarily. Confined space, poor airing and clogged vent pipe, sealed plastic windows, loud music, intense pressure due to exercise machines and sporting equipment…

What to do?

That’s the reason why shamans advise to go out more, to exercise outdoors, to talk to elementals – all those things contribute to a faster recovery.

A body cell consists, among others, of primal elements such as fire, earth, water and air that’s why we should be outdoors more frequently so that the spirit of earth gives us the energy for health.

The second recommendation from shamans is to fill ourselves with the spirit of joy and laugh every day. To do this it’s better to attract the spirit of joy by using an item of power and performing a practice that can be learnt on the seminar. 

The third advice is to have a proper rest. How to do that? On our seminars! Group practices in your local city will help you to relax properly and fill yourself with energy. However the best leisure is a holiday outdoors. That’s why we recommend going to seminars on the Places of Power at least two times a year. Those sacral spots of the planet will increase the level of your inner energy to 100%.

Ursachen von Krankheiten

Agatha, Seville:

Several years ago I completely changed my way of life and I don’t regret it. I had difficult times then, I was exhausted. I didn’t understand the causes of illnesses that haunted me. I seemed to have everything except for appendicitis (and that’s thanks to the removal of the appendix 20 years ago…)

Doctors prescribed me long lists of medications, vitamins, dietary supplements, sedatives… I had massages, spent a lot of money on a gym membership. But how could I think of doing fitness when I had the energy just to go for a work and back home.

I tried to surf the Internet for the causes of illnesses. Incidentally I came across an article about Aayla. I made an appointment. She worked with me and I started feeling better. Shaman Aayla told me that for a complete recovery I had to attend a retreat on the Place of Power. I signed up for the retreat and left for it.

We walked a lot – it was a tough challenge for me. At first it was hot, difficult, I felt thirsty all the time, we were all soaking wet due to physical activity. But then I felt better, I seemed to feel the support of spirits, physical fatigue was almost gone. Certainly the presence of Aayla helped me. At the same time it seemed as if I purified from the burden of anxieties and illnesses.

Shaman Aayla said that with sweat and pain spirits of lower world that used to destroy me and undermine my immunity left the body. After that I had an individual practice and got an item of power. And that helped!

For 4 years already I’ve been jogging in a park, eating clean and praying for the power of our kind. I got rid of all medications. Finally I found peace and happiness in my soul! And I feel perfectly healthy!

Healing prayer

Insults hidden in your soul, misunderstanding, anger, envy and emotional tension destroy not only human himself but the power of all his kind as well. They may become the causes of illnesses.

It’s difficult for a person to be responsible for other persons’ mistakes even if they are his or her fresh and blood. However to save yourself and your kind it’s necessary to atone for the sins of an ancestor who had lost his way. Shamans know that when a person prays sincerely for others and asks God to help that soul, the person him or herself gets the support of the Supreme forces for him/herself and his/her kind. We say such prayers on our seminars and retreats every day. 

If you feel sick in heart and you can’t find the causes of illnesses, don’t be afraid to ask me for help. If you have a complicated case I will perform rituals for soothing your soul and saying goodbye. This will give you back your mental and physical health.

Stay healthy! 

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    Shaman Aayla: ‘It’s possible to prevent diseases!’

    Let’s see what to do when even modern medicine can’t help in defining the causes of illnesses.

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