How to get rid of debts and obtain financial independence
A woman’s world is a harmonious interweaving of various energies, natural and lineage ones. What is the function of money in this? Why do loans, credits, and debts influence it? Aayla will show you how to obtain financial independence and learn to attract money in your life.
Spirit of money is a harsh teacher on the path to your predestination
Modern women are fully dependent on money and material goods. It makes some of them happy and wealthy , allows them to implement charity projects, and make the world better, while it ruins families and lives of others. What stands behind the energy of money: good or evil? Aayla Shaman will reveal various sides of one of the most powerful spirits of shamanism – the spirit of money – to us.
Shamanism is not limited to calling for self-development and searching for your predestination. The ancient culture had precious knowledge about money, real estate, starting business, and buying a house. All of this is a part of our life depending on the inner power, helping spirits, and actions of more powerful spirits, such as the spirit of money.
Spirits control all processes in our life. There are spirits-creators and spirits-destroyers. The spirit of money stands aside everyone. It can plunge a woman into a difficult bank and credit labyrinths, as well as provide the shortest and easiest path to success. It can mercilessly provide people with financial problems and exalt them: today, one lacks the money to pay his bus ticket, and tomorrow your boss suddenly gives you an expensive car for work purposes. The spirit can change your fate and even influence someone’s personality. There are many stories about its waywardness and generosity in shamanic culture, so it is very hard to pick a key to it. However, it is possible if there is a wise tutor near you.
Debts and credits
Nowadays, it is hard to surprise someone with a credit-filled lifestyle. Most people don’t think about the consequences, take loans, and find themselves in debt. They grow and pull more and more life energy feeding the dark side of the spirit of money. They sometimes have not enough strength to get out of this on their own. There is only one way out – to ask a shaman, as well as spirits of the amulet for help and support. According to the concept of shamanism, we will never be able to attract the energy of money, financial independence, and wealth in our fate, if we do not learn how to communicate with the spirit of money and value its lessons. Only if we learn from our mistakes, we will be able to hope for condescension and help.
Debts are an inevitable consequence of wrong money management and giving up your predestination. They seem not to be related to each other. By giving up your fate, you are punished and get cruel lessons from the spirit of money.
I am capable of more! I can do it! I will get rid of debts! This is exactly what Aayla Shaman puts into the heart and brain of every student at her workshops and retreats in Places of Power. The confidence that wakes up in women and girls encourages them to look for their path to predestination. What does the spirit do? Does it get angry? No, it looks closely and starts helping. Problems with money are tests. Yes, often they are cruel and painful, but they work! The spirit of money wants you to look at the situation with money from another angle, evaluate various sides of life and potential possibilities. What do we need money for: to humiliate someone with wealth and superiority or develop creative potential and express mercy? These two reference points in the relationship between your and the spirit are absolutely different.
If you devote your time to group classes and workshops, you will make a great contribution to your development and lay the foundation of an energetically strong lineage program. Love, dream, and create a correct projection of your fate together with the shamanic family!
Tamara, Berlin:
“It seemed to us that we considered everything, and the contribution to a new business will be successful. Our partner thought of everything, picked a perfect place for a restaurant, found a good cook, and staff; however, intuition prompted me that we were quick to take a loan and invest in such a large project. At first, everything was fine, and we even managed to return a part of the sum to the bank. Later there began problems. The fire that destroyed the kitchen with expensive equipment and a part of the hall, termination of the agreement with suppliers, the whole campaign against our restaurant … It is difficult to convey in words how many people envied us. We barely had enough money to pay salaries. Expenses were so great that the bank refused to help. Where should we get 35 thousand from? I wasn’t going to give up and tried new options.
With all fears and doubts left behind, I came to the shaman. Aayla asked me whether I could trust my inner female energy and the power of the shaman. I believed her. She invited me to the training “Money laws. Psychology of wealth”, after which she gave me several individual shamanic practices that I had to perform for 13 days. All this time, I wore a bracelet of power with a helping spirit that guided me and gave me hints.
I could not believe when I received a bank notice stating that our debt was canceled on the 14th day. Of course, we did our best to solve this problem, but this seemed like a miracle anyway. The spirit of money allowed me to start with a clean sheet. During meditations and practices, I realized my mistakes. I wanted fame, wealth, but I didn’t see what was happening around me. I felt ashamed. In critical moments, we begin evaluating ourselves, our family, and gifts of fate differently. From that moment on, I understood that I would open a new business only having the final consultation with Aayla. Recently, I have sent all my power to the organization of shamanic workshops in my country and on charity. This is my first step to my predestination and finding myself.”
Shamanic magic or error in the banking system?
You will ask – “How is this possible?”. How could the bank that makes a profit from credits cancel such a big amount of money? Magic? The mysterious disappearance of documents? Did they put themselves in our difficult family situation and decided to express mercy? I am sure you have many variants. However, there is only one answer – the spirit of money interfered with the banking system and fully restarted it. It felt the confidence of that woman and her inner transformation, persistent desire to solve the problem. And it gave her a chance. She only had to Act, Change her life, and Follow her predestination.
They do practice resetting and restarting in banking sphere. However, it is impossible, if you don’t have a shaman and a big power of will behind you.
There are no simple and momentary “magical” rituals on the path to success, wealth, and financial support. The secret lies in careful work on yourself and your predestination, learning fine matters and energies. For this purpose, Aayla Shaman spends so much time on individual and business consultation, workshops, training, and full courses.
How to get rid of debts? How to attract more money to your life? How to become a friend of the spirit of money? The training ”Money laws. Psychology of wealth” is devoted to this topic. It will help you go towards a big goal and dream in small steps. You will learn to purify your energy from karmic, physical debts and burdens, to set the right goals to implement your predestination, and, what is the most important, to form new habits, which will lead you to success. Are you with us?
To get rid of credit and loan burden, you will need to ask spirits for help. Amulets charged by the shaman and special rituals will help you expel the spirit of habit, burden, and depression. Your amulet will be waiting for you at the event at the Place of power! Come and bring your acquaintances, become their guardian angel. We sincerely wish you become truly free!
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