What is shamanic business consultation?
Aayla Shaman explains
Hereditary shamans help to settle any problems, including financial ones. When is the right time to turn to Aayla Shaman for help?
Origins of knowledge
Long time ago, people understood that any step a person takes affects not only his private life. Being a part of their lineage, a person is like a leaf on the tree. The tree puts down strong roots deep into the ground, reaching out to the sun with its strong trunk and branches. The roots and the trunk of the lineage tree are its glorious ancestors. And each of the leaves will grow and develop in complete alignment with the type of life their ancestors lived, the deeds they did.
Every time you are going to take your choice, you should bear in mind that any decision you make will affect the fate of your descendants up to the seventh generation.
That is why in ancient times people turned to shamans for help in making the right decision, moving in the right direction. It was also essential for them to beg the spirits for assistance and blessings. And the shaman immersed into the world of the spirits of the future, which cause all the earthly events happening to us. This ancient rite of appealing to the spirits was of utmost importance.
Shaman asked the spirits how to act in this or that situation – whether to conceive this year or not, where to build a new house, to move to another place or not. And the spirits readily responded to the shaman’s call and hinted at the right choices, helped to settle financial problems, start new relationships, resolve conflicts or restore health.
This tradition has been present in different cultures. Before starting his campaign to India, the glorious commander Alexander the Great came to the Delphic oracle to foresee his future and give advice. And the oracle speaketh to Alexander that his campaign would be extremely successful and would bring him the greatest glory.
Neither did the powerful Genghis Khan like to take risks. And his advisers were wise and far-sighted. They belonged to three different cultures. Among them was a shaman, a Buddhist monk and a Christian monk. Those clairvoyants helped the great Khan in everything. They revealed to him the deepest secrets of the future, explained how to avoid adversities, and showed the right path. Due to this, Genghis Khan had success in all his undertakings throughout his life.
Business diagnostics
In our contemporary world, shamans have adapted this wise tradition to modern realities. Business diagnostics has actually become one of the most popular directions in shamanic practice.
Lack of money and low salary are among those financial problems that are frequent guests in our lives. To make sure you don’t waste money, but on the contrary, multiply it, you need shamanic business consultation. You can ask shaman, for instance, if it is worth investing money in an enterprise, buying a new house, starting your own business or taking a bank loan.
Even if you have already made a decision and the upcoming deal seems absolutely safe in all respects, you should consult a shaman. He will ask the spirits and make sure whether a new business will be successful or not, whether a new product will boom, whether new partners will be reliable. And if something goes wrong, the shaman will definitely help to solve any problem. He will perform a ritual to ensure that everything is fine again in your life and make the luck your faithful companion once more.
Annette, Paris:
Before divorcing my husband, I worked as an ordinary agent in a small tour desk in the center of Paris. Divorce was a challenging test for me. My husband preferred a quite well-off woman, owner of a jewelry salon, over me. That is why I was so eager for becoming financially independent.
Having analyzed the situation, I decided that a romantic restaurant in downtown Paris is a win-win option.
My friend introduced me to Agatha, who had long worked in this industry and was also dreaming of starting her own business. We really liked each other and started working together. We found a wonderful site for our future restaurant on one of the central streets, had a luxurious interior design done over there, bought chic furniture and equipment, hired staff and a famous chef.
We were ready to conquer Paris! Though, we invested all our savings in the restaurant and, of course, took considerable loans from the bank. But according to our business plan, all costs would have paid off within a year. And everything was going great! Customers and money were flowing in the stream!
But a terrible thing happened. In those days, protests frequently took place on the streets of Paris. On one of those terrible nights the window of our restaurant was smashed, and a bottle bomb was thrown into. Things got pretty tough. For some unknown reason, the fire safety system failed, and all of the expensive oak furniture and wooden panels of the walls flared up like matchsticks. Firefighters arrived pretty quickly, but there was nothing left to save.
It was a terrible ordeal for us. Agatha suffered a heart attack and was taken to hospital. The hopeless situation strangled her in a way that she passed away in two weeks. Actually, I found myself on the verge, too: thoughts of jumping out of the window and thus solving all the problems flashed through my mind more than once.
The only thing that kept me back was my little son, who would then be left alone.
And I did the impossible. I hustled day and night, I met people who helped me to extend my loans, and gradually, brick by brick, my life started to recover.
Over time, the destiny brought me together with a genuine hereditary Aayla shaman. I got interested in shamanic business consultation, and I asked her to check out why things turned out this way, at what stage I possibly made a mistake and everything went south. Due to a special shamanic ritual, Aayla Shaman found the answers to my questions.
While we were looking for the site of our future restaurant, we eventually discussed two options. One was in the city center, in a crowded tourist district, and promised a rapid rise. The second option we liked was in the suburbs of Paris.
It was a small family restaurant, which was being sold by an elderly couple who decided to devote the rest of their lives to leisure and travel. They had their own permanent client base, formed over many years. The institution almost did not require any investments, but it did not promise astronomical revenue as well, offering quite decent income and sustainable prosperity instead.
If I had the opportunity to consult with the shaman then, I would by all means choose another way. But then the thirst for fast money took over us.
During the shamanic business consultation, I asked Aayla Shaman what was predestined for me in the future. I had one more choice: to become a manager in a large international company or to open my own travel agency. Shaman performed a ritual, and the spirits told her the second option was much preferable to me. And that’s what I did.
I rented a small room in the south of Paris, and restored relations with the travel agents I met while working at the tour desk. And the last but not least, I created an appealing website to showcase the services provided by my company. Within the next six months, my income tripled!
Now I have over a hundred employees, and the brand of my travel agency is widely known in Europe. My son and I live in a beautiful mansion in a picturesque suburb of Paris. I devote all my spare time to charity. And I am very glad that I made the right choice with the help of Aayla Shaman!
A shamanic business consultation may become a turning point in your life. It will help you save and increase your belongings, and, possibly, save your life. In case you are planning to set up your own company, take a bank loan or, on the contrary, invest in stocks, or if you are dreaming of expanding your business or getting promoted, feel free to contact me! I will definitely help you!
We will perform business diagnostics to determine which path you should take. And then with the help of special rituals, we will appeal to the spirits who will help you achieve success in your financial affairs, become a rich and absolutely happy person.
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