Autumnal equinox
The day that can change your destiny
Autumnal equinox will come on September 23. Aayla shaman will tell you how to celebrate it in order to reveal your talents, find your predestination, reach harmony with the world, nature and other people.
Laura, Ghent:
I have always been a pragmatist and skeptic. No relationships and children, just a career.
I liked my life. High position in the bank, business trips around the world, luxurious apartment and no obligations. Independent, wealthy and successful – I was happy.
But at 45, I had a crisis. I realized that I was completely alone. There’s nobody who I could invite to my birthday party. I have a formal relationship with colleagues, no intimate gatherings on Fridays. Few girl friends … I don’t even know where they live, because we did not talk for a long time. Parents have died long ago.
I walked alone in my huge apartment and thought that my life was far from ideal. There is no main thing in it – love, warmth, trust. It was the worst birthday of my life …
And in the morning I found a flyer on the desktop – an invitation to the seminar of Aayla shaman. I still don’t know who and why put it there. But it was definitely a sky-sign!
Aayla shaman became my true mentor, and her students became a group of loyal like-minded people. We met the autumnal equinox together at the Place of Power. I asked the spirits of feminine happiness, love. Aayla performed an ancient ritual with special amulets. It was an incredible spiritual experience!
And the most amazing thing is that I met Christmas with my loved person! We have been together for 5 years. No, I didn’t give up my career and work, but now, besides it, I have love, a husband and our big shaman family. Now I am 100% happy!
Date of celebration of the Autumnal Equinox
Autumn equinox is an astronomical event when the duration of day and night time becomes equal, autumn replaces summer. In 2019, this event falls on September 23rd.
The transition of the sun from one hemisphere to another occurs at 7:50 GMT. Based on this information, everyone can calculate when their country will enter a new astronomical period.
The USA will be the first to meet the autumn equinox. Great Britain will join the celebration in the early morning of September 23. A little later – residents of Germany, France and Eastern Europe.
Summing up
Are you on the verge of a difficult decision? You doubt whether to take an important step in your career or life? The autumnal equinox is a period when the energies of the sun and nature are so strong that it is recommended to conduct meditations, spiritual retreats and work on yourself. Changes in life and the opening of new perspectives easily enter a person’s life. It is important to follow the spiritual instructions of people whose opinions you value greatly and respect.
Aayla shaman says that the autumnal equinox is a mystical time, therefore resentment, anger, envy, adventure, must be deleted from the heart and soul. This ancient holiday should be led by gratitude and love.
Traditions of celebrating the autumnal equinox among different people
The autumnal equinox is celebrated all over the world and has many common features – people thank the nature for gifts, enjoy the harvest, pay homage to the spirits of their ancestors, conduct magical rituals that attract prosperity and happiness. Each culture enriches our world with kindness and love.
Celtic holiday Mabon
The ancient Celts and their descendants celebrate the autumn equinox, or Mabon, between September 21 and 24. These are one of the most important days of the year when people thank the nature and spirits for the harvest, and preparations for winter begin.
In the last warm autumn days, it is customary to harvest and gather the gifts of nature. People put not only vegetables and fruits, but also berries and mushrooms on the holiday table. At the end of the harvest, they always hold competitions for the title of the best farmer.
Housewives spend a lot of time in the house during Mabon. They clean, cook and prepare for the cold season. Only at the end of the holiday can they relax and enjoy the celebration. Mandatory attributes of Mabon in the house are floral decorations and autumn compositions. Traditionally, the whole big family gathers on this day, distant relatives come and friends are invited.
Aayla shaman says that on such an energetically strong day, it is necessary to collect medicinal plants, to use them for treatment during the year.
If you don’t know which herbs and flowers can make you good, attend our seminars during these days. We will show you how to collect them.
Shubun-no-hi and Higan in Japan
The pagan holiday Shubun-no-hi and the Buddhist Higan were closely intertwined. Both celebrations are associated with worship of nature, the spirits of ancestors, veneration of the elderly and the dead. They start celebrating Higan 3 days before the equinox and end 3 days after. And Shubun-no-hi falls exactly on the autumn equinox.
An interesting fact: both celebrations are closely related to the veneration of animals, therefore it is not customary to eat food of animal origin on this day. On the Japanese table there are many vegetarian dishes made of vegetables and fruits.
In Japan, the autumnal equinox is an official day off, so many spend it with their families. In Buddhist houses, photographs of deceased relatives and fresh flowers are placed on the altar. In addition, it is customary to visit the graves of ancestors and decorate them with flowers.
Aayla shaman advises that day to pray for deceased relatives. You can learn at our group classes and seminars what kind of prayer it is and how to do it.
Sedeh in Zoroastrianism
It is sad to part with the warmth of the Sun and meet the cold winter. Zoroastrians deify the Sun, therefore they perceive dim light as a triumph of darkness, cold and evil. Winter is perceived as the death of all living things, the nature.
They carefully prepare for Sadeh, fast, read prayers and watch the hearth in the house. Thus, people preserve the divine particle of the Sun.
The celebration begins at lunch on September 23 and ends at sunset. On this day, it is customary to thank the nature and the sun for gifts, harvest and pay attention to the seeds, their sorting and storage. It is believed that divine power persists therein until spring.
The festive dinner must include milk, pomegranate juice and seeds.
And, of course, it is important who shares the holiday meal with you. Therefore, we invite you to celebrate the autumnal equinox with us, in the circle of like-minded and spiritual people!
Festival of harvest and coming of autumn in the ancient Slavs
Among the Slavs, the autumnal equinox is also associated with worship of nature and the gods of fertility. With great respect these days belonged to a woman. The most respected people in the village met mother Osenina in the morning on the banks of a river or lake and treated her to ritual oatmeal bread. The remains were shared between the women participating in the ritual. Later, the pieces were fed to livestock so that it was prolific and healthy.
As in many cultures, the Slavs harvested these days and invited relatives to visit. They laid a rich table, and gave thanks for the harvest and abundance.
After the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia, the autumnal equinox was associated with the Nativity of the Virgin. On this day the believers turn to the church with requests for health, well-being in the family, childbirth, luck and a rich harvest.
Autumn equinox is a time of powerful energy influences and sacred rituals. Aayla shaman advises to spend it with family and loved ones.
Aayla shaman tells at her classes and personal consultations about how to meet the autumnal equinox according to the shamanic tradition, what rituals can be performed in the house to attract prosperity. We invite you to come!
It is important not only to study, but also to practice the knowledge gained among like-minded people. We invite you to join the company of happy, open and loving people at our classes and retreats!
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