How to Meet the Day of the Autumnal Equinox according to Siberian Shamanism
What to ask the spirits of this day?
The Autumnal Equinox is one of the four solar holidays, which has been revered in many cultures since the ancient times. Aayla Shaman will tell you how to properly meet it, according to the traditions of shamanism, and what to ask the spirits of.
Maria, Munich:
“It is a pity that the traditions of our ancestors are being forgotten and are gradually disappearing. We forget who our great-grandparents were, what they did and where they came from. When I started my family and my daughter was born, I began to think about it more and more often, so I attended the seminar of Aayla Shaman. I thought it was just a combination of circumstances, but in fact, it was providence. My great-grandmother was from Siberia. I got acquainted with shamanism on the festive days of the autumnal equinox. Sunny weather and golden foliage filled me with good mood. I plunged into pleasant chores, looked for recipes of sweet and lean pies, invited my relatives and friends, and prepared them small gifts in the form of shamanic amulets. I wanted to share my joy with them. Everything went perfectly. They supported me a lot. Is so important to revive such beautiful and important lineage traditions nowadays when everyone thinks only about themselves.
Have you noticed the daylight hours began to decrease gradually? Cool rainy days remind us that soon the trees will drop their leaves and sleep deeply. One of the main holidays of autumn – the Equinox arrives at this time for those who follow the traditions of shamanism. The Autumnal Equinox is one of the four solar holidays, which has been revered since the ancient times in many cultures around the world.
When does the equinox come in 2020?
The day of the autumnal equinox usually falls on dates from September 21 to 24, so there is often a little confusion. One should seek knowledge at the Siberian shamanism courses, where Aayla Shaman talks not only about the importance of spiritual practices for the development of oneself and the lineage, but also about the importance of the planets for man and nature.
Last year we made the “solar transition” on September 23 at 10:50 Moscow time. This year the Sun will cross the celestial equator on September 22 at 13:31 GMT or 16:31 Moscow time.
Three hours later, at 19:31, the people of Kazakhstan may address the spirits of ancestors with gratitude. The time-corrected, you can calculate when the day of the autumnal equinox will come in your city.
What is the autumnal equinox in shamanism
Each of the solar cycles is in charge of its own stage of development and formation of nature. The day of the Autumnal Equinox, according to Siberian shamanism, is in charge of summing up, thinking about the past and present, filling the family hearth with love and harmony. That is why Aayla Shaman recommends spending this day in the circle of family, loved and close people. It is also important to thank your ancestors and spirits, to ask for their support and help on this day.
How to see in the day of the Autumnal Equinox properly?
The feast of the autumnal equinox is primarily a celebration of the power of the goddess of nature Umai. On this day, our ancestors thanked her for the harvest and prosperity. The whole family gathered together. They conducted lineage rituals, and laid a rich table at home: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and the fruits of the forest. The harvest of the next year depended on the celebration of this day. What about nowadays?
A modern city man, of course, does not grow anything. Except maybe some fragrant greenery on window sills. But this does not mean that you should not celebrate the holiday of the Autumnal Equinox. If you lay a rich table, you will get a rich harvest in the form of successful projects, career advancement, and salary increase.
Where is the best place to go to buy vegetables, greens, and fruits? Aayla Shaman recommends choosing farmers’ markets. It’s not just about sustainability and usefulness, but also that you can thank these people for their hard work on land. Through them you will perform the thanksgiving ritual for the goddess of nature Umai.
Unfortunately, people have forgotten the tradition of thanking the nature in recent decade. What did it lead to? Nature’s resources are rapidly depleting before the balance is restored. The ecology is worsening. Animals are dying. People get sick oftener.
The day of the Autumnal Equinox is a great opportunity to thank the nature for giving us food, an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of mountains, seas, and forests. This is your little contribution to the restoration of natural harmony.
Pies are the solar symbol of the holiday
A family usually begins preparing for the day of the autumnal equinox three days before it. This year’s holiday falls on a Tuesday, so the necessary purchases, cleaning and decoration of the house, inviting relatives to the festive table should be organized in advance. There should be no fuss and sacrifices on your part during the days of the equinox. There is no need to make grand plans. It is important to have a good mood. Our house is our Place of Power. Here our loved ones and we are charged with positive energy, the power of lineage is accumulated.
One of the main dishes on the festive table are lean and sweet pies. If you have no possibility to bake them, Aayla Shaman recommends buying a ready-made one. However, you should do an important thing – spend some time decorating it and investing your energy into it.
According to the shamanism tradition, each dish is symbolic. If you make fish or meat pies, you should address to the future and ask Goddess Umai for wealth and prosperity. If these are vegetables pies, then you should ask for good health. You fill your life with love and well-being in a relationship when cooking sweet pies with fruit, honey or jam. It is not necessary to choose only one kind of pie. Aayla Shaman recommends putting the three types of pies on the festive table.
Please note that all pies should be round like the sun. After all, the holiday of the equinox is a solar one.
Before you put a pie on the festive table, be sure to cut a small piece out of the middle. It will be your gift to the spirits. Put it on a plate and take it outside, so that the birds, the messengers of the goddess of the nature Umai, could eat it. Divide the rest of the pie between family members and your guests.
Lineage Protection Ritual
The night length increases on the day of the autumnal equinox. It means that evil spirits and destructive entities become stronger and brazen. To prevent evil from triumphing, it is necessary to perform rituals for the lineage protection, to observe the ancient traditions of thanksgiving of light and good forces, and to fill with strength personal amulets.
According to Siberian shamanism, our ancestors are in the underground, the afterlife world. They hold the Family tree on their shoulders and influence everything that happens in the family, both good and bad. Our ancestors take care of the present, protecting us, and our future. They can stop the fire, protect us from bankruptcy, warn us against doing the wrong and thoughtless thing. At the same time, we must remember that their souls live in a world where there are negative entities nearby. Therefore, when we thank them, it means that we provide ancestors with additional protection.
It is very important to do the lineage protection ritual and to gather the whole family at a festive table on the day of the autumnal equinox. At this time it is not accepted and even dangerous to talk about resentment and problems because it gives strength to evil entities.
Praise your lineage, thank your ancestors for their support, and remember the happy and joyful moments. The more you fill the conversation with positive energy, the stronger your lineage is.
To perform the ritual according to all the rules of shamanism, you can ask Aayla Shaman for help in individual sessions or register for group courses in your city. If they are not available, you will have a great opportunity to become part of our large shamanic family and help organize them.
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