
Aayla Shaman will revive your energy


You don’t know how to protect yourself from bad news, stress, fatigue and illness? Aayla Shaman invites you to group classes where she will talk about the most effective way to support and replenish your energy.

Spirits of metropolis

Big cities have always been an accumulation of not only positive, but also negative energy. Here you can either become rich and famous, or lose your purpose and get captured by loneliness. How not to become a victim of negative energy?

Megacities attract a lot of aggression and evil. Spirits of the Underworld are hiding in the sewers, underground parking lots, metro, and they are waiting in the wings to get out. Discreetly for people, they penetrate their thoughts and actions. As a result, people see a terrifying daily report of criminal news, accidents and disasters, people scream and sort out their relationships right in the street. The spirits of the Underworld subjugates the mind of both adults and children.

Where should you hide from the evil spirits of the metropolis? Perhaps in huge hypermarkets, where there are a lot of people, pleasant music and so much bright light? Alas, in such places you are even more at risk. The omnipotent spirit of consumerism easily turns everyone into a zombie shopaholic.

Only a home and a loving family, group classes under the guidance of a shaman can save you from the machinations of evil spirits.

Shamans and metropolis

Shamans are hardest hit. They feel the vibrations of a big city and suffer from a huge amount of aggression. Only far from the city, surrounded by wildlife, among the magnificent trees and animals, they can relax and restore their power.

The only reason they live in megacities is the desire to help people. How do shamans adapt to the aggressive environment of the city, get their positive energy?

Aayla Shaman holds many seminars and classes. And when she feels fatigue and empty, she does a shamanic retreat. Every two or three months she retreats to the Places of Power, where there is no connection with the outside world, fuss and meaningless talks. At this time, she is among the forest, the spirits of nature, mountains, the expanse of the river or lake…

Carrying out meditations and communicating with ancient spirits, Aayla shaman is charged with a powerful stream of energy. Returning to the city to her students, she carefully shares it with everyone, carries out healing practices.


Group of like-minded people

How can an ordinary person can replenish energy and where to take power living in a metropolis? Group classes with like-minded people with the support of an experienced mentor and their assistants are the only right option for each of us. How to become part of a large shamanic family?

First of all, email us and get a group meeting schedule in your city. The more like-minded and spiritual people, the more effective the group will be. You will learn to accumulate and restore your power, receive a huge charge of positive emotions. Group classes end, and rested, in a good mood, everyone goes home.

Typically, group classes are held 1-2 times a week on weekdays and last about two hours. The frequency and duration of meetings depends only on the wishes of the students. Weekends are considered special, because you can not only do meditation and energy practices, hold shamanistic rituals, attend interesting seminars, but also share your successes with friends. Time flies by – meetings often last until the evening.

For each group, Aayla shaman chooses a representative among the students. This person solves many important organizational problems and stays in touch with students. Their main task is to sincerely help people and strive for self-development.

Zelda, Chicago:

When my husband was offered a contract for three years in Chicago (we are from Berlin), I was very happy. I admit, I made grandiose plans and dreamed that I would finally learn the language, travel the country by car, enter the university to get the second higher education and get a good job. But the reality was much more complicated …

The first month I was fascinated by the beauty of the city, incredible skyscrapers, numerous campuses and parks. My husband and I tried to walk a lot, without him I was afraid to take a step. The fact is that I studied French at school and I spoke almost no English. Therefore, I had to wait for the weekend to go somewhere with my husband.

Language learning was slow, group classes gave no result. My husband was at work all the time and could not help me. I felt hard and lonely. The dream of freedom turned into a confinement in an apartment overlooking the university campus.

Relationships between me and my husband gradually grew bad. He began to spend more time at work, often went out with new friends to spend time somewhere in the evening. At first I went with him, and then I realized that I was weird there. After all, I absolutely did not understand anything and fell even more discouraged. Quarrels, mutual claims, grievances …

I started having severe headaches, panic attacks oftener. I started skipping English group classes. The city crushed me with its skyscrapers and concrete walls. The attacks intensified and became more frequent. The city, which inspired me yesterday, now crushed and sucked out all the energy.

After another quarrel and my demands to return to Berlin, closer to my parents and old friends, my husband packed up and left. Where to call? Whom? What if something happens to him? I know absolutely nothing. I cried all night …

The next morning he returned with flowers and a beautiful diary. It turns out that he needed time to recover and think in a relaxed atmosphere. All night he was searching for group classes for me, courses and volunteer organizations for foreigners that would help me adapt and learn the language faster. In a notebook he wrote down phones, names and addresses of different places. This is how my savior, Aayla shaman and group classes supervised by her, appeared in my life.

Six months flew by. All my time was occupied by group classes and assistance to university volunteers. I quickly improved the language, met many interesting and extraordinary people, learned how to restore and replenish energy. My power was restored, and I had a desire to create something. But most importantly, after I have obtained the Objects of Power (I learned a lot about the secrets of shamanistic amulets), my terrible migraines, panic attacks and the fear of the city disappeared.

Aayla Shaman invited me to become an assistant at the seminars, and then their representative. It was a great honor and incredible motivation to learn and improve the spoken language.

My life is now filled with great happiness and sense. My day is scheduled in minutes. In my beloved diary, given by my husband, I write down the phones of our students and plan shamanic group classes! And how about the dream of traveling around America? I am also planning to do it, together with our shamanic family!


Aayla Shaman and her students travel a lot and hold group classes in many cities and countries. If our worldview is close to you, you strive for spiritual growth and self-development, want to learn how to maintain and protect your energy from diseases and intrigues of the spirits of the Lower World, email us and leave your contacts for communication. We will reply you and invite you to group classes in your city.

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