Aayla Shaman speaks about the Field of Love prayer
The miraculous power of prayer solves all problems
I have been supporting the Field of Love charity project for many years, because it is based on the very important idea of helping people around the world. Today it is a large-scale international movement, where new followers from around the world join all the time.
What is the Field of Love prayer
In every city we visit we surely hold a session of the miraculous prayer Field of Love. We are open to all comers. In a large, spacious hall, gather people who came to us for help. These are those who have been attending our seminars for many years, their friends and acquaintances, relatives and people who visit by accident.
They come to us because they cannot solve their problem on their own. They come to get a chance for recovery, get rid of financial difficulties, establish relationships with loved ones, become successful and happy.
It is the Field of Love prayer that is the most powerful energy impulse that, thanks to your sincere help, works wonders. We sit shoulder to shoulder and offer a prayer for those who need it now. That is why it is so important to bring to prayer photographs of your loved ones who face insoluble problems.
The miraculous power of this prayer is that each participant multiplies its force. And with each new participant, this force grows. Most often, at least 50 people take part in the prayer. Just think, what the real power of the Field of Love is! And this miraculous power flows in a targeted flow to each person whose photograph we put inside our circle.
The Field of Love prayer helps even in critical situations. Sometimes this is a serious illness or financial difficulties, and sometimes such problems with the law that even the most experienced lawyers are not able to prove your apparent innocence.
Holding a Prayer
We put photos of those people who are already desperate to get help in the center of the circle. Often, neither doctors nor lawyers are able to save them. Only the strongest stream of love is able to purify a person’s energy and their destiny. And the long-awaited changes begin in their lives.
Important: during the prayer you can charge water with the energy of love. We also place it in the circle of those who pray, and it is charged with a powerful energy that is accumulated in a stream of sincere all-consuming prayer.
Water absorbs all the positive energy accumulated during the ritual. When you or your loved ones drink the charged water, it will give you this healing energy. Such water effectively helps in the treatment of serious diseases, cleanses and restores your body completely, gives a unique charge of special power, after which you will become an amazingly successful person.
Be sure to bring water to our seminars and Field of Love prayers!
Claire, Birmingham:
I always considered myself a happy person. I had a full joyful childhood, loving parents, a wonderful bridegroom and subsequently a successful marriage. We enjoyed life.
In the early years of marriage, we decided to wait with children to enjoy life just the two of us, make careers, and ensure the financial future of our family.
I turned 30 when I realized that I was already ready for motherhood. My husband willingly agreed with me. We took this with full responsibility – we underwent a thorough examination in the best clinic of our city. Doctors did not see contraindications for pregnancy. We were both absolutely healthy and at the peak of our reproductive activity. We even chose a name for the future baby.
But several months passed, and the desired pregnancy did not come. We were reassured that something like this happens sometimes. But I got worried. Then we decided to seek advice in one of the best clinics in Europe. We were examined again, and the verdict turned out to be the same – there are no problems, the compatibility is good, both are healthy. It was then that this terrible diagnosis sounded – infertility of unknown origin.
Doctors offered us an IVF procedure immediately. We agreed without hesitation. We lived from protocol to protocol. Each unsuccessful attempt drove me deeper and deeper into a severe depression. We lived in constant expectation and disappointment. Once my husband could not stand it and said that it was time to stop it. We simply did not have any power or money left …
We returned to ordinary life, but there was no more happiness in our relationship. We dreamed about a child so much that this failure burned out almost all the feelings in our souls. I was very painful. Now the pink-cheeked kids I saw outside did not cause me emotion, but only boundless pain.
And then one day I was wandering alone along the street. A woman stopped me. Apparently my face was so tragic that she simply could not pass by. This meeting became crucial. She hurried to the seminar of Aayla Shaman and invited me with her. I didn’t refuse. I did not care. I didn’t want to go home, I didn’t want to spend the next dreary evening with my gloomy husband. Therefore I went to the seminar without hesitation.
I was sure that the seminar was an ordinary meeting of bored housewives who exchange recipes. But I turned out to be wrong…
About a hundred people gathered in a large bright room. We were a little late, everyone was already gathering in a big circle to conduct Field of Love prayer session. I sat in a circle with other people. We joined hands and started a prayer. I did not ask myself questions why I was here because I knew that I was where I had to be. I always had our wedding photo in my purse. And I put it in the circle, in full confidence that I was doing the most right thing in life.
I prayed with everyone. I prayed for myself, I prayed for her husband, for our unborn baby, for all people. And I felt the power emanating from the people sitting next to me. It was the most amazing feeling in my life. The power grew stronger, saturated with its energy all those sitting in the circle. When the prayer was over, I saw happy faces of those who prayed beside me. And then I realized that everything would be fine.
That evening I returned home being another person. My husband, concerned about my absence, came out to meet me and hugged me. At that moment, a wave of tenderness flooded me, and I realized how dear we are to each other. Everything has changed in our lives from that day on. Love returned to us. We again started respecting and valuing each other.
And after three months I found out that I was pregnant! And I didn’t find it right away, because I put up with the fact that I was barren. Therefore, I decided that the delay was caused by a normal hormonal failure. At the visit to doctor, I found out that it was already the ninth week! And I had twins!
Brian and Alice were born on a beautiful summer day. Now they have grown up, and we are fondly observing how they learn to walk and pronounce the first and such dear words to us …
The Field of Love prayer did a miracle. I believe that it was fate that brought me to that event that day. And I am incredibly grateful to the higher powers for this happiness. ” And I invite you to become part of this miracle at the seminars and retreats of the Field of Love project!
Become our representative!
It’s just wonderful when people are happy to share their love with those who are in a difficult situation. But, unfortunately, we simply do not have the opportunity to hold a prayer in all the cities where people ask us to.
Therefore, we have created a training program for this prayer of our representatives in different countries and cities. And any chosen one can become such person! If you want to become our representative, you can e-mail or call us, and we will certainly teach you the features of this prayer. We will also give our blessings for prayer and attach to the source of miraculous power, which makes it possible to help people!
Help your loved ones, relatives, acquaintances and strangers, help all the people who need it – become a representative of the Field of Love!
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