
What makes us happy? Happiness in the context of shamanism

How predestination and happiness are related


A child’s embrace. A mother’s call. A kiss of a loved one. Promotion at work. A cup of aromatic coffee in a cozy café in waiting for a romantic date. What is the happiness of a modern woman? Is it possible to fit it into some complex constructions of words? Aayla Shaman will reveal to our readers the meaning of happiness in the context of shamanism.

As we become adult, with increasing frequency we think about what happiness and predestination are. There are more and more questions, but where to get an answer? Through group classes and seminars, the hereditary shaman Aayla can convey the knowledge of the ancient sacred culture, help women and girls find themselves.

According to shamanism, happiness is the ability to live in harmony with oneself, the world around you, and the spirits that inhabit it. To bring love, mercy and kindness in the same rhythm with nature and the forces of the Universe.

Is being happy an innate gift, or do we need to learn it? Each of us is born to be happy and successful, healthy and self confident. The soul comes to this world with the sole purpose of finding the source of ever-increasing happiness! So what one needs for this? Every woman’s fate is unique. Someone is born with incredible intuition and inner strength, at once taking the first confident steps towards happiness and predestination. Others have to go a long and thorny way, to fall and rise several times. To realize your predestination, you will need to spend a lot of effort and internal resources, to understand that the measure of happiness is not money and high status, but spiritual harmony. What are the steps to happiness?

Harmony with oneself

What makes you personally happy? What pleases you and makes you smile? As you take the first step toward happiness and self-discovery, learn to listen to your desires. You will not believe it, but many women are afraid to dream and, all the more, to say it out loud because they are scared their relatives and friends will laugh at them. Being yourself is an incredible courage.

According to shamanism, happiness begins with self-knowledge and the search for inner harmony.


Here is a short list of steps that will lead to harmony:

  • Don’t try to justify other people’s wishes in relation to your future – you have your own unique path. Learn to put your interests first. Of course, each of us has areas of responsibility that need to be fulfilled, even to the detriment of ourselves. However, if after doing it you are totally exhausted and do not have the strength even for the basic things, ask yourself if it is worth such sacrifices.
  • Devote time to breathing and physical practices, listen to your body. Sign up for dancing classes if you want to dance. Sing if your soul demands it. Do not be afraid of judgment; be afraid to kill the desire to live a full life.
  • Read books and watch movies that motivate and bring love.
  • Stop watching the relentless stream of news, political and criminal reports – they devastate you.
  • Communicate with people who inspire and energize you.
  • Be sure to make a list of your big and small achievements and hang it in a conspicuous place in the house. Even a school diploma for a musical performance on stage is your personal achievement and an indicator that you have talent. Everything has a value! Believe us, every day we do a lot of really important and valuable things, but often make little account of them. Maybe you helped the employee with the report, told your child how to do their homework better, pleased your loved ones with a delicious cake, listened to your friends and supported them. I am sure that something important has happened to you today.
  • Fill your home with pleasant little things and scents. Now is the time to get Christmas decorations or buy new beautiful toys, light candles in the evenings and fill the air with the scents of incense.

And most importantly, don’t be afraid to dream. Make  a list of small and big wishes and try to implement at least one in the near future: this will give you strength and you will understand that everything is in your hands!

Can’t pull yourself up? Internal resources running low? Aayla Shaman invites women to individual consultations and seminars that will help them gain valuable knowledge on energy recovery and understand where and when they made mistakes. Using shamanic astrology and karmic diagnostics, you can see what talents and power are inherent in your fate. No one is born to be unhappy!

Agatha, Munich: 

‘Don’t cry. Get a hold of yourself. You should be thinking about your future, not stupid things. Dreams are for the rich, and you need to plan your career. I’ve heard these scary and devaluing phrases a million times from the closest people. Should I say what I felt?

I had a career, but I had no happiness and understanding of how to live. I came to Aayla for an individual consultation with only one request – to help me find my predestination. I was completely confused and didn’t know what to do next. Aayla Shaman conducted karmic diagnostics very carefully and attentively and gave me many recommendations. 

I left with a little disbelief, holding a beautiful amulet in the form of a bracelet. Will it help me? How will I keep up with everything? But on the first day, I realized that all the practices and rituals are very simple. And most importantly, I began to feel better on the third day. I felt lightness, confidence. I was able to concentrate and hear myself! Along with shamanism and the power of the amulet came the awareness of my feminine energy and its potential. I learned to choose my own desires and predestination: I changed my job and house, engaged into psychological rehabilitation of disabled children, found friends and the loved one. I felt that I belonged to something important and valuable in this world. My life had the meaning. Am I sorry about the career of a financier? I regret that I spent so many years doing things that I didn’t like. Things that made me unhappy’.

Helping those in need

In shamanism, there can be no big or small deeds. As well as there is no other people’s pain! Whatever the path to personal happiness is, it is important to remember that you cannot find peace of mind if you do not help those in need. Aayla Shaman and her students are actively engaged in charity work and participate in volunteer activities. If you are somewhere close, then be determined and selfless to offer your help. If not, join us in the shamanic circle Field of love and send words of prayer to those who need it most at this moment.  

Even the smallest, invisible at first glance, good deed multiplies the amount of positive energy, which means that there will be more happy people around.

Try to do one good deed every day – it can be a smile, a word of cheer, or a compliment. Over time, you will notice that these simple actions have become part of your reality. And with them, prosperity, joy, and success will come into life.


Support for animal shelters

In difficult times of epidemics and crises, suffer those who can’t ask for help – pets. People forget about them, get rid of them, and throw them on the streets, dooming them to death from hypothermia and starvation. If you have the opportunity and mental strength – visit animal shelters, bring warm things and blankets, medicines and food, provide virtual support by transferring money to their account, or simply spread information about the shelter. This is a very resourceful activity for women, because we are much more connected to the natural world than men.

It is often difficult for us to cope with the difficulties alone, but it is so important to be in a circle of understanding people! If there are women in your environment who need help finding themselves and their predestination, share this article with them. Support is the most precious thing you can give to a loved one.

Unfortunately, many of our seminars in Europe have now been transferred to online format due to the pandemic, but this does not mean that Aayla and the mentors will not be able to help or answer your questions. We invite you to join the company of happy, open and loving people in online trainings. Of course, we miss our warm meetings in Places of Power and at seminars. Therefore, follow the information on the website about live workshops and seminars, message us in social networks and contact us through the official website of Aayla shaman. We are very happy to resume our meetings as soon as possible! 

Love yourself and become part of our large shamanic family.

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