Shamanic traditions of welcoming New Year
6 steps to fulfilling your dearest wishes
Your any wish will come true if you make it correctly. Aayla Shaman reveals the secrets of welcoming the New Year, teach you to lay down a successful program of well-being, health and happiness for the coming year.
Greta, Dusseldorf:
I turned to Aayla shaman when I reached the extreme point of despair. I didn’t even think I’d ever need the help of spirits.
My life was going very well until I turned 40. I moved up the career ladder fast, and I became deputy director of our branch of a multinational holding company a few years before I met Aayla. I made a lot of money, lived in a luxury apartment, could afford anything I wanted.
But the new position entailed a new level of responsibility and new pressures. I forgot what a weekend was, I hadn’t been on vacation for several years. The job took up all my energy and time. And the strangest thing is, the higher my income and position became, the less I was happy about it. Continuous stress, fatigue, insomnia became my constant companions.
On the other hand, everyone ever gets tired and works hard. I started taking sleeping pills and continued to live at the same pace.
I remember well that morning at the end of May. Such bright spring sun was shining, birds were singing, the sky was unusually blue. I had an important appointment with my partners in a few hours. I woke up… and realized I couldn’t bring myself to stand up. I didn’t want anything! No job, no career, no sun. I turned my phone off, stuck my face in the pillow, and stayed like this all day. I’ve never done something like this before!
My boss was so shocked at my behavior, he didn’t even make a comment. But he did give me a visit card of a good psychiatrist’s. And he diagnosed me with clinical depression. Medication, therapy – I tried to fight my illness for about six months… And at some point I realized I wanted to die…
That’s when, lucky for me, Aayla shaman appeared in my life. She performed three individual rituals, explained which Object of Power I need to restore inner harmony and recommended attending group classes. I started studying. The first change was that I no longer wanted to die. Then I started to sleep well without sleeping pills.
And a month later, Aayla shaman offered to perform a special New Year’s ritual to fulfill my wishes. She explained how to prepare for the change of year and asked me to concentrate and think hard about what I really wanted. I wished, “I want to be happy!”
A colleague invited me to the animal shelter for weekends at the very beginning of January. It turned out that she has long been helping the shelter in her spare time. I always liked animals, I agreed gladly. When we came back from the shelter on Sunday night, I thought this was happiness! To be needed by someone, to be useful, however small, to be myself. After all, these dogs and cats do not care about my position, how much money I have on my account and the size of my apartment. I’ll either become their friend or not.
And I did!
I have never suffered from insomnia. I am always full of power and joy in the past year since then. And depression seems like a fantastic disease to me. What depression are you talking about when I have these paws, tails, noses waiting for me! I help them and they make me feel like a human being. Happy)))
Dear Aayla shaman, thank you for getting my life back!
How to welcome 2020 correctly?
New Year is celebrated in many countries of the world. And although it is not customary in Germany to celebrate it, we must understand that this is a special time. It is a time when you should leave all your worries, resentments, problems in the passing year and lay down a program of good luck and happiness for the next year.
Along with Christmas, New Year also has the strongest energy.
Both of these holidays are family holidays. They are extremely important to unite all members of your lineage.
And it is very important to celebrate this holiday correctly, in accordance with ancient customs.
You need to start preparing for the holiday two weeks before the New Year. At first, we are carefully preparing for the Winter Solstice Day. For this, it is very important to attend shamanic events and group classes in your city. And then there is the New Year’s Eve bustle.
Aayla shaman advises you to listen very carefully to the recommendations of the wise people to meet the New Year with bells on. And then, if you do everything correctly, with the coming of the holiday you can easily solve all family, financial, career problems, as well as issues related to health and love.
Step 1: Body purification
For your soul and your consciousness to be ready for energy changes, it is very important that your body is as free as possible from harmful substances that you consume daily. Strong tea and coffee, soda and fast food should disappear from your table. And to replace them, add more vegetable food, cereals and stewed vegetables to your menu.
Celebrate the New Year with light dishes and add more fruits and vegetables to the menu. Do not overburden your body with fatty, heavy food. Especially after you’ve cleaned it from harmful substances.
Step 2: Spiritual self-perfecting
It is best to conduct spiritual self-perfecting together with a shaman or in a circle of like-minded people, for example, in group sessions or at a seminar. This is a very important ritual and if there is a wise person, he or she will help you to cleanse your mind properly and create the right mood for the new year.
Remember all the important events of last year for you and with a pure heart let go of all troubles, resentments and sorrows, rejoice at your achievements!
Take your time to make a list of what you dream about and what you want to achieve in the coming year and keep it until next year on a blank sheet of paper.
Step 3: Choosing gifts
It is hard to imagine New Year without gifts. And you just have to make small gifts to relatives and friends. But do not forget, in a gift is important its essence, not cost. After all, sometimes the usual magnet on the fridge is enough to protect a big house, and sometimes the gift can be a turning point in human life.
Therefore, you should think about gifts beforehand to make them meaningful.
You should not give delicacies, alcohol or gadgets. Gluttony and gambling have not yet brought happiness to anyone.
Pick up a gift from the heart by putting all your love into it. And such a gift will be the best one.
Step 4: House cleansing
After the general cleaning before Winter Solstice Day, your house was hardly littered. That’s why it’ll be a great basis for a pre-New Year’s general cleanse. Refresh your house, bring it to a radiant state. The New Year’s meeting also involves a thorough cleaning of your living space. And it’s important to act together, as a family. It’s always more fun and faster together, and with music even better.
Step 5: Ritual of Christmas tree decoration
Decoration of your Christmas tree will be the culmination of the New Year’s Eve celebrations. You need to decorate it in a special way to make it an artifact of your Christmas wishes. Aayla shaman often tells at her events that Christmas tree is the tree of lineage and the world. It is a powerful symbol of the unity of past, present and future.
That is why it is necessary to celebrate New Year by dressing up a live Christmas tree. Any fluffy beauty in a pot or in the yard of your house will be suitable for this. Choose any one and call all family members to decorate this beautiful New Year symbol.
For this purpose, be sure to divide the Christmas tree into three components mentally. Decorate the bottom twigs with pages of loan agreements, sick leaves, and car fines.
It will be a layer on which all your failures and problems of last year have gathered. After the holiday, they will have to be destroyed, burned and ashes dispelled.
The middle tier will be bright and sweet. It should be decorated with mandarins and candies, shiny colored toys and tinsel. It’ll be our present.
And the upper tier of the Christmas tree should be decorated with cars and houses, kids and figures of newlyweds, pictures of exotic resorts – all that you have long dreamed of. And put on a cone toy at the very top of the tree. It will be a symbol of your rise to happiness, wealth and prosperity.
Step 6: Clothing selection
It is very important to be united with your family and like-minded people on New Year. You will gather at the festive table to share your news and dreams, hopes and joys. And that’s why everyday clothes will certainly be inappropriate. Office suits and universal jeans do not work completely this night.
Pick up a wonderful festive outfit that will not hamper you, and will delight you with how beautifully it looks on you.
You must step into the new year in a great mood.
And now that you have taken care of every detail, it’s time for the ritual of wishful thinking. You can learn more about how it’s done at Aayla shaman’s events. Don’t forget that the effectiveness of any ritual increases sevenfold if it is conducted hand in hand with like-minded people and under the guidance of a real shaman. That’s why welcoming New Year in a shamanic group will be the ideal way for you to celebrate the holiday. We are always glad to see you!
Be happy, dream and rejoice, love and flourish!, Create the most correct projection of your destiny in the coming year together with us! Happy New Year!
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