How to tune in to the wave of prosperity?
5 tips from Aayla shaman to be successful in any business
Everyone wants to be rich and successful. This desire is not only natural, but also quite achievable. How to have luck back to you, to learn how to manage cash flows and tune in to the wave of prosperity, says shaman Aayla.
What is success?
What is success, luck, wealth, all what we call the word “prosperity”? In fact, it is a flow of special energy that can be drawn and where you can be constantly in, deriving strength in it to increase your well-being. It is necessary to be in treaty with the Spirits of the Upper World to attract them to your side and to draw this flow. How? Aayla shaman will help you with it. She recommends the following to do.
1. Smile
A sad face and a bad mood repel the energy of prosperity, and not only it. Aayla shaman explains at her seminars how to use internal positive energy correctly.
A smile and a joy, compliments and pleasant wishes to friends and strangers, like a magnet, attract the spirits of prosperity and well-being.
2. Do something new every day
In the coming Year of the Rat, qualities such as speed and dexterity are especially appreciated. And therefore, the speed of change, constant movement and activity should become your faithful companions. Daily changes are not so difficult. Even the busiest person can devote 15 minutes every day to what he/she did not know before this day.
For example, learning a new chord, dance movement or Chinese character.
3. Help other people
Help may vary. Your smile is enough for someone to feel better, while physical or material support is useful for someone else.
Give a smile to the gloomy cashier at the supermarket, make a compliment to your tired colleague, feed the hungry kitten and take it to the animal shelter.
Aayla shaman advises to help a little, but constantly. Then the ancient principle of conservation of energy will work – help another person, and the Higher forces will certainly help you.
4. Set high goals
A huge number of disasters, fires, natural disasters have occurred on our planet over the past year. A huge number of forests burned in California, Siberia, Amazonia, Australia. More than half a billion animals died during fires in Australia alone. These figures are shocking and pushing for some actions, because it is simply impossible to observe from the side how our Earth is dying.
The desire to save the world, clean it of dirt and to help its inhabitants is an ambitious goal. Such goals are set before the students of Aayla shaman when they are going to the shamanistic ritual “Field of Love”.
Not only the situation in the world changes for the better after this prayer, but also the life of each participant of a group meeting.
If you also want to take part in this prayer, write an email to myfieldoflove@gmail.com. Indicate in the subject line: “I want to join the” Field of love “.
5. Do energy practices every day
Let your body dance free every morning and concentrate yourself on the emotions of desire for seven minutes. Say: “I want more!”, feel this phrase with your whole body and soul, fell it with your heart, devote yourself to the energy of the dance, mixing it with the energy of emotions. This will help you to make your mind on a wave of prosperity. Good luck, success, joy will come to your life!
And it is absolutely necessary to do cleansing practices and rituals in order to get rid of all the negativity that constantly surrounds us. You will learn more about this at the seminars of Aayla shaman and from the article about Clean Monday.
Gemma, Cologne:
“When my husband suddenly died of a blood-stroke, I had brain freeze. I acted in a non-cognitive mode: I ate, kept the household, went shopping. Heinrich’s decease was so unexpected, and the grief was so great… My children supported me as best they could, although it was also very difficult for them.
After about six months, I came to my senses a bit. And just because another problem hit me. The husband was the breadwinner in the family, and I kept the house, raised children and never thought about money. After the death of Heinrich, it turned out that we had no savings. We lived in a great way and did not think that disaster would come to our house.
Bills for the house, sons’ tuitions, and the car – all this required huge financial injections, which were simply nowhere to take.
I slowly began to sell jewelry, car, changed the house to a more modest one. And still the funds were melting away. All my attempts to get a job were a failure. I didn’t work a day in my life. Despair overwhelmed me. Children studied in paid colleges and quitting education meant putting an end to their future careers. My heart was breaking.
But then I happened to attend one of the events, which was conducted by Aayla shaman. I attended her individual diagnostics and received a plan of classes and practices recommended for daily realization. I also started attending group classes. Aayla shaman taught me how to make up my mind on a wave of prosperity and helped me to understand the principles of working with energy. And a miracle happened!
Three months later, my husband’s partner appeared. He found documents that made it clear that Heinrich had made serious investments in securities. So I became a wealthy woman again. I put part of the funds into opening a restaurant, and now it brings a good income. And another part is to help women in difficult life situations. This is something like a small private fund, where besides me there are three more employees.
We are all former housewives, who finally found the meaning of life.
Aayla shaman also brought me to the idea of charity, and I am very grateful to her for that!
My sons are now continuing their studies at the university, and I am happy that I can give them everything they would need!”
Aayla shaman will gladly share the ancient knowledge at her seminars with you so that you can become a successful and prosperous person.
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