How to prepare for Christmas, the main family celebration?
Why do winter holidays have such mystical energy? How to use the power of Christmas magic for yourself and your entire lineage? Aayla Shaman will tell the readers how to prepare for one of the main winter celebrations, filling it with love and happiness.
Christmas mysticism and shamanism
Slowly, step by step, we approach one of the bright and magical holidays of the year – Christmas. We are sure you are a little surprised why we are talking about it on the website dedicated to Siberian shamanism. Let us leave aside the history of the formation of Christianity and paganism, the struggle of the Julian and Gregorian calendars, and let us talk about the ancient solar culture.
Christmas days are the time when every lineage and person sum up, put their thoughts in order, plan and dream, prepare for the transition to the new year, according to the solar and annual cycle. You can envelope this holiday in a variety of bright wrappers of Christmas decorations and traditions, but the most incredible miracles will happen through spiritual work on yourself. Aayla Shaman will tell you how to prepare for one of the main celebrations of winter.
Christmas preparations in a shamanic group
This wonderful time is always associated with beautiful spruce, flavors of pine and delicious Christmas baking, postcards from friends and small treats from close people. That’s right, the spirit of the holiday is in every home and every heart these days. Yet there are important things to do before the calendar date. The days before Christmas are considered the days of charity: people help those in need, support animal shelters, and prepare gifts for children who have no parents. Our students devote a lot of time to charity every year. Thus, we lay down love, compassion and mercy for the next year.
Spiritual component is important for every woman, bearer of family and lineage values on Christmas days. Circular prayer “Field of Love” helps us support each other during these days.
Preparation in the circle of family and friends
Shift your attention to yourself and your home preparation a day or two before the celebration. We traditionally clean and fill the house with fresh, frosty air during this time. We clean the space from unnecessary things and heavy energy. Then comes the most pleasant part of preparation, namely, home decoration. Take out the candles and garlands; cover your table with a festive tablecloth. Remember that according to shamanism, a woman is the elder of her lineage; her energy influences not only the festive mood, but also the whole coming year.
What about gifts? In shamanism it is customary to give things that give positive, creative energy, and, of course, love. An amulet or an invitation to participate in a shamanic seminar will be the most valuable gift on such mystical days.
Celebration of Christmas is a good and kind tradition that unites family and friends close to our heart. Devote some time to those who could not join you at the festive table. Send a postcard, give a phone call, or make a pleasant surprise by sending a present by post. Or you might find a minute to drop in for a cup of coffee? The main thing is to let these people know you care for them.
Alina, London:
“This year was very difficult. Closed borders, cancelled flights, self-isolation. My parents are far away. I could not attend Aayla’s seminars because of restrictions. I would have gone crazy if it weren’t for my favorite girls from the shamanic group. They were supporting me through the Internet all the time. Together we did classes, conducted breathing exercises and a virtual prayer “Field of Love” and discussed books. Seeing their faces was a great gift for me. At first, I scolded myself badly for a bad habit of yakking on the phone shamelessly or sitting at my laptop. And then I realized that it was the only thing that supported me for so many months. I really want to believe that at Christmas I will definitely see my parents and my favorite girls, and I will be able to get to the seminar in the Place of Power.
Plan the menu of the festive table
We come across a million recipes and collections on Christmas days. What to choose? Christmas is primarily a family holiday, so consider what your loved ones and relatives wish. Aayla Shaman recommends paying attention to healthy and light dishes. After all, you do not want to suffer from overeating or get upset because of unsuccessful culinary experiments, do you?
Do you want the next year to be easy and full of pleasant events? Then feel free to use this desire as a basis for your festive menu
Charge dishes with love
The menu is composed. The products are purchased. Ideally, if you have some helpers in the face of your children and your husband in the kitchen. Working together, you will be able to fill your home with a strong family energy capable of protecting you from all adversity next year. However, you should not be sad if you have not managed to bring your family together. Aayla Shaman will help you tune in to the right mood. Follow the link to her Youtube channel, and you will be able to fill up with the power of the Kut family tree and get acquainted with one of the oldest breathing practices in shamanism. And now you can set about to work. Turn on the pleasant music and begin to create, fill the dishes with love, good wishes and smiles!
Outfits and jewelry
Spirituality and wisdom do not mean that a woman must forget the natural desire to be beautiful on a festive day. Start the morning with a walk in the park and exercises. Now the most difficult task is to choose an outfit. It should definitely cause you only positive emotions and feel comfortable. After all, there is a feast ahead, maybe dancing, action-oriented and funny games, reverent unpacking of gifts and hugs. There are no requirements for color and style. As for the jewelry, Aayla Shaman recommends giving preference to amulets and talismans. Fortunately for every woman, they are not only filled with positive energy, help to fulfill desires, but also look very beautiful. If you do not have such a talisman, then hurry up. There is not much time left to buy it at a seminar or a class in shamanism.
Remember that a woman is the elder of her lineage, so it depends on you how this festive day will pass.
It’s time to dream
What doesn’t let you realize your dreams? What stops you from changing your life for the better? Fear, or maybe resentment and low self-esteem? Dream and take a step towards happiness. You need to sum up the year correctly to help positive changes and bright energy to come to your life. Try to let go of all bad things on this day and direct your thoughts to attract good, happiness and prosperity in your home. Remember that the heavy energy of resentment and envy feed the spirits of the lower world. If you do not have the power to recognize and solve your problems, do not be afraid to seek help. Aayla Shaman will tell you how to perform the ritual to fulfill your wish.
It is important not only to study shamanism, but also to practice the acquired knowledge in a circle of like-minded people. We invite you to join the company of happy, open and loving people in our classes and retreats!
By dedicating time to group lessons and workshops, you will make a huge contribution to your spiritual development and create an energetically strong program for your lineage. Love, dream and create the right projection of your destiny for the year together with us! Christmas is a wonderful time for making wishes and changes!
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