How to choose a city to work and live in
Every city has its own spirit that lives everywhere in it – in statues, fountains, birds and lazy sleeping cats on park benches, in a breeze and smells. But first of all, it lives in our human hearts. How to choose a city to work and live? Aayla Shaman will tell you about the Spirit of the city and how to come into contact with it.
What means the Spirit of the city
Even a small and quiet town has a huge unique energy let alone megacities or ancient cities such as Rome or Cairo! According to shamanism, the human body is sensitive to fine matter. So if you listen to your feelings, the voice of your body and hints of your heart, you can find places of power in your city and make contact with its Spirit.
So how do you find these places and come into contact with the Spirit?
The role of a shaman is not only to heal people, but also to help restore relationships with the lineage and the world around us. It is good if everything went well from the beginning and the city helps you develop. However, it also happens that the city does not accept you, creates obstacles and pushes you away. Aayla recommends you to find time for an amble, to wander through the streets and places that mean something special for the inhabitants of the city. Pay special attention to the historic center. It is there where the Spirit is most often found and the heart of the city beats. There you will immediately feel subtle vibrations and the energy that envelops you with warmth.
Did you face mingled feelings? Do not get scared. There may be a misunderstanding between you and the spirit that must be resolved. How to come into contact with it and not to hurt it? Bring pieces of pie or buns, nuts or seeds (grains) to a pond or a square where birds, messengers and helpers of the spirit, live. What shall you do with the treats? It’s simple. While feeding them, speak below your breath: “The spirit of the city, thank you for accepting me and supporting me. Take my offering to you as a sign of respect and reverence.” Find something to thank for. even if you have a grudge in your heart.
Learn to listen to your city and the hints from the Spirit. Only then will you find the key to its energy and power.
How do you understand that the Spirit has heard you and accepted the offering? You will feel the warmth in your body and peace in your heart. To live in harmony and love, you need to communicate with it all the time. Make it a habit to cook something delicious for the Spirit of the city before going out. Only then can you ask it for help and hints. If everything went well, you will see the world in a completely different light. You will be easily overcoming difficulties and obstacles that you encountered at every step. Many mystical signs will appear around you and will show you the right path. We are sure that you will be surprised how much your life has changed!
Perform this simple ritual and spend a few days observing how the relationship between you and the Spirit of the city is changing. Don’t be shy, be sure to contact Aayla Shaman via social media or email her to share your thoughts and ask questions. The shaman will tell you what next step you should take in your communication with the Spirit.
How to understand that this is your city
You may have a strong karmic and lineage relationship with the city for two reasons. The first is that you were born there and still live there. In this case you should have a warm and friendly relationship with the Spirit. The stronger is the connection, the tighter the city will hold you, the harder it will be for you to leave it and start your life elsewhere. The second reason is fulfillment of your predestination.
The best way to strengthen your connection with the city is a shamanic journey during which you can get support and knowledge about the city.
But what if your predestination is to live and work in a completely different city, perhaps, thousands of miles from your birthplace? How to break the connection painlessly? Aayla Shaman recommends performing a ritual to understand what kind of obligations you have not fulfilled towards the Spirit. You can also attend one of her seminars. This is the only way for you to find your path to a happy future in a new place.
Margaret, Dublin:
I have been living in Dublin for five years. I have a promising job and the man I love here. But I have not been able to become a part of this city. My thoughts are still with my native Munich. Every time I was on vacation or got free time, I used to go visit my parents to walk the streets of Schwabing, to drop in familiar restaurants and see my friends. My hometown was holding me tight and didn’t want to let go of me. I had to make a choice but was not ready for it. I met Aayla Shaman at a seminar and asked her for advice on what I had to do during one of my trips. On the one hand, my job and the man I loved were there. On the other hand, my family and my hometown. She performed a karmic diagnostic and saw that the Spirit of Munich was protecting me very much and therefore did not let me go. The shaman recommended me to talk to it, to thank it for my happy past and give me the opportunity to start a new life with the man I love. I spent one week walking around the city, thinking about Aayla’s words, talking mentally to the Spirit and listening to my heart. I was leaving for Dublin with an amazing feeling of lightness and freedom. There was a surprise waiting for me at the airport – my boyfriend proposed to me.
With time I took a completely different look at the shaman’s advice and realized that I did not know much about the world and the city where I lived. I spent every day getting acquainted with the city, walking and reading about its history. I thanked the Spirit for meeting my husband and finding a good job. I read about shamanism and watched educational videos of the shaman. As time went by, I realized that I had to share my knowledge with others. I asked Aayla to come visit us and helped to organize a seminar and the Field of Love prayer circle. Sometimes all you have to do to change your life and fill it with happiness is to wish for it and take a small first step.
Predestination and service to the Spirit of the city
Every woman can establish her own personal relationship with the Spirit of her city. To do this, gather like-minded women around you, invite the shaman to conduct a seminar and the Field of Love prayer in your city. She will help you find answers to difficult questions, unite congenial souls around her and teach you how to work with energy and to discover your true predestination. In addition, shamanic seminar is a huge positive energy not only for the participants but also for the whole city. During the “Field of Love” prayer meditation every woman will be able to contribute to the development and well-being of her family and the whole city.
When you care about others, the whole world cares about you and your family – this is the most important principle of Siberian shamanism.
It is a great honor and responsibility to organize shamanic seminars. Do not be afraid to share knowledge and call for healthy relationships, to practice awareness and spiritual development. Aayla Shaman and her team will support you, give you a piece of advice and teach you to perform the “Field of Love” meditation and to direct your knowledge to a good cause. Sign up. We are looking forward to seeing you.
It is often difficult for us to cope with life situations on your own. It is so important to have understanding people around you. In our classes and workshops our masters create the Field of Love, Understanding and Friendship, where everyone feels free and safe. Become a part of the Field of Love at our training sessions and retreats!
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