Is it true that every person has his or her own spirit guide? How to know who is your spirit guide? How to connect with your spirit guides?
What spirits can you ask for help?
Spirits are the main forces a shaman works with. There are disembodied and bodily spirits. Disembodied spirits live in three worlds: the lower one (underworld), the middle one (human reality) and the upper one (heavenly world). Plants, animals, and humans are bodily spirits who live in the middle world.
The spirits of the lower world bring destruction. Their task is to devour the spiritual and physical essence of man. The spirits of the upper world are meant to protect the man and bring harmony to the world.
Spirit helpers and spirit guides dwell in the middle world and seek to help people. They need close communication with a man. They are disembodied and they need an energy boost, offerings in the form of food, rituals and our emotions. This poses a lot of questions, and, first of all – how to get in touch with your spirit guides? I will try to answer this one and other questions.
What can a spirit guide do?
Even when we feel bad or we are pursued by ill luck, there is our spirit guide behind our back. It helps us in difficult situations, moves us toward the right decision, and protects us from evil entities. Spirit guides are also called “angels” for a reason, because they can not only protect, but also tell you the best way.
But it’s no good putting the entire responsibility for harmony in your life on it. For this shamans recommend enlisting the help of guardian spirits. There are many of them, and each one has a focused function. For example, some spirits are responsible for health, others for business, still others help solving family problems.
Where do the spirit guides live?
Since the earliest time, every woman, the head of her lineage, knew about protective rituals and the importance of communicating with the spirit world. One of the most famous protective rituals was embroidering undershirts and festal shirts. Ritual patterns – geometric or in the form of plants or animals – were applied to the fabric.
There was an important emotional work behind each stitch. A woman uttered protective words, calling upon the spirits of her lineage for help. A spirit guide was one of the first to settle in an undershirt, filling it with protective power. Wearing an embroidered shirt, it was as if you meet you spirit guide.
Shamans created personal amulets and talismans, which were supposed to give a person happiness, health and success. Unfortunately, the tradition of creating protective shirts and amulets is almost lost today.
A person may have several amulets and talismans. The spirit guide finds its home, hiding from prying eyes, in the most important amulet. Guardian spirits, spirit helpers in work and in raising children, those responsible for the health and harmony of the soul may live in minor amulets. An individual approach is especially important in choosing an amulet, because it is the amulets that will help you get to know your spirit guide. At my seminars, I will help you to choose an amulet for you personally.
Where and how to find your spirit guide?
In order to find a spirit guide or a guardian spirit, you need to contact a shaman or an experienced mentor. This can be done at seminars, during a personal consultation with me or during a shamanic ritual. But the strongest spirits come during trips to the Places of Power.
Finding your spirit guide may take time, you must be ready for it.
Meeting your spirit guide happens in different ways – you may be meeting your spirit guide in dreams. However, you may need a special meet your spirit guide meditation. Sometimes shamans use hypnosis to find your spirit guide.
‘I turned to Aayla with my problem three years ago. I liked the atmosphere of the conversation and the mentor so much that I had rekindled my dream of going to a Place of Power with a group. I had no spare money, my boss completely refused to let me go on an unscheduled vacation, and putting the hat on my misery, my daughter broke her arm.
In short, everything was against the trip. But I felt that I had to go! And then I took out the amulet I had bought at the seminar and addressed the spirit: “Spirit guide, help me!
The next morning my ex-husband called. He asked about our daughter and offered to take her to Bulgaria during the school holiday. He also said that he transferred us child support for the five years that he hadn’t lived with us. I almost dropped the phone…
I was on my way to work, unable to think of anything with surprise. A colleague came towards me. He said, ‘Let’s swap vacations. I really need it. Some family problems’. He named the dates the trip was planned for!
That was how I ended up at the Place of Power. There, I asked for amulets for my daughter and for a colleague who was having problems. During all these years nothing bad happened to my daughter, she even never caught a cold)). And the colleague is doing well. Now she and I go to shamanic rituals and attend seminars together. Our spirit guide takes care of us!’
You can obtain an amulet with a spirit guide living inside of it at my seminars and training. Register now!
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