How to Bring up a Child: Why Do We Fail to Raise Happy Kids?
Is it true that development techniques and technical progress will help you raise a genius? How to raise a harmonious personality? What do shamans recommend?
Heart-to-heart talk
If you ask any parent about what they want for their child, the answer will be the same: Happiness. But what can we do for it? Earn more and climb the career ladder faster, travel more? Stop. Happiness does not lend itself to mathematical calculations.
In the past, people were closer to nature and the lineage bonds were stronger. Then no one wondered how to raise a child. They just followed family traditions. Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers did not enroll for special courses on parenting their children, did not stay up at night reading forums and gurus’ advice online. They just gave the children all their love and care.
Can you honestly answer when the last time you had a heart-to-heart talk with your child was? The worst thing is the loss of live communication. We comply with all our social obligations, but we forget about our souls. That’s why our children grow up unhappy and callous.
Visiting granny’s house
Often reserved and introverted people ask shamans for help. They are not used to showcasing their feelings, so they believe they are not able to love their children. The roots of that lie in their childhood. Frequently, the representatives of elder generation were too occupied with their everyday problems, simply did not find the time or felt shy to express tenderness. And now their children do not know how to raise an open-minded child.
One of my students, Ivona confessed that she never thought about parental love until she became a mother herself. This event made her reconsider her attitude towards her family and her child:
“I grew up in an ordinary family. My parents worked hard to sustain me and my brother, educate us and help us become self-sufficient. We had everything but spiritual communication. I cannot remember us gathering with the whole family and discussing something, sharing our experiences. Well, the school, extracurricular activities and the university filled the gap in our lives. But this could not replace parental care and empathy.
After creating my own family, I got scared. How to raise a child? How to create a happy family filled with love? I found the answers at Aayla’s seminars. Together with her, we worked through the problem of the emotional coldness of my parents to me. My parents died 5 years ago. I regret not having done this while they were alive. But that working through helped tune up differently to the relationship with my daughter. She considers me as her best friend, and I am very glad and happy about it.”
The tragedy of modern society is the attitude towards the elderly. Some people hire a nurse for their parents; some put them in a nursing home. It may seem as demonstration of care – older people receive medical care, convenience and peer-to-peer communication. Still, they are extremely lonely, as they live without the empathy and warmth of their children and grandchildren. Well, the grandchildren witness such an attitude towards grandparents, so they will grow into people with lack of empathy.
Shamanism gives an unequivocal answer to the question “How to raise a child” – to preserve the linkage between generations, as it was in ancient times. Mae sure to visit your elderly relatives with your children. Even if your parents live far away, reach out to them at least at the holidays and on grandparents’ birthdays. Gather together with all generations at the festive dinner and share stories about your family history. The kids will absorb it since childhood; these stories will become family legends for them, which they will pass on to their children and grandchildren.
Smartphone as mother-substitute
Gadgets have become our new reality. A huge flow of information overwhelms us from everywhere. But the kids immerse into their smartphones, losing live communication skills. How to raise a child without letting them totally “lose themselves” in the virtual world?
Evidently, no one urges you to give up your gadgets, but the family is the place, where the child should learn to handle information and not to drop out of real life. Trust-based communication will ensure that they ask relatives for answers, and not the social networks.
My student Irma, like many modern mothers, sought to provide her child with the best. Having received a smartphone as a gift, her son has changed a lot:
“I am constantly at work; my husband is often on business trips. There is absolutely no time for anything. Buying a smartphone was seen as a way out. You can always track your child, ask how he is doing, and make sure everything is all right. But it turned out be the opposite. He got completely immersed in games, abandoned his studies, and kept ignoring my requests.
So, I turned to Aayla to learn how to raise a child ensuring that they don’t lose touch with reality. A real remedy for our family was the outings to the Places of Power, adorable places. Firstly, my son did not want to come with us and even made a fuss. But there he changed, sort of came alive, getting out of zombie mode. When we got back home, the first thing he did was rushing to the laptop. I thought everything was in vain. But then it turned out that he was sorting the photos taken at the trip, shared them with friends on social networks, and printed the nicest ones for me and my husband. Now we are attending seminars together, and we have lots of new topics of conversation.”
Communicate with your children, spend time together, do not forget to visit your parents, and then you won’t be puzzled over how to raise your child. But if you still have questions about bringing up, come to my seminars and events. I’ll be pleased to help you!
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