Divorce in the Shamanic culture: when it is needed.
What to do if the only desire you have after few years of marriage is to divorce? Can you destroy integrity of the family and oaths you’ve once said? Shamanism is especially sensitive about the marriage. But it accepts the fact that sometimes divorce is the only way out.
Incompatibility of two lineages
In the past, before getting married, the newlyweds visited a shaman and elders of the lineage. Wise men talked with the groom and the bride and determined whether they are ready to become a family. The shaman had to determine whether spirits of two lineages would be friends and whether they were compatible. How close their energies were and whether there were any deadly disputes between them.
It was believed that the earlier the couple and their parents would come to the shaman, the more mistakes they would avoid. So they would never divorce.
Modern brides and grooms rarely consult shamans. They even ignore adult and respectful family members who have acquired the role of elders of the lineage. They just don’t know consequences of such marriage. Moreover, few people think of the divorce at the eve of the wedding. It is the fact.
Really, at first, the feeling of love and physical attraction may emerge between a man and a woman from two lineages. But it is a great fraud and a cruel play of spirits from the lower world. Having united, representatives of different lineages launch the mechanism of self-destruction.
Different goals
When the scales of love fall from their eyes and the real life full of everyday troubles begins, first disputes appear. Disputes usually unite spiritually close people. They teach them to find compromises, help to set up new common goals. But if one of partner works on their personality or and develop, and another partner belittles all ambitions, such marriage is doomed.
In this case, the family will have to overcome greatest difficulties every day: diseases, lack of money and internal family issues. Misunderstanding and insults will be accumulated among spouses. The most terrible thing will happen when one partner becomes aware that his or her soul is empty and files divorce papers.
The family life consists not only of breakfasts, lunches and dinners. It is the mutual work on harmonious relationships. If you don’t see that your spouse supports and understands you, it’s worth to think of the marriage diagnostics and to get an honest reply to the question: “Why do I want to get a divorce?”.
Shamans recommend admitting your mistakes. Don’t be afraid to let each other go. Divorce is the chance to stop painful relationships and to start a new life.
The story of Alda from Verona:
“We got married very fast, 3 months after we’d met each other. Everybody was talking me out of it. My friends and parents said that so little time had passed for any serious thing. Even his Mom asked us not to be in hurry and to get accustomed to each other. But I didn’t listen to anybody. It was all right for first two years. Then problems started…
He said that no matter I did was a stupid thing. My second degree was a waste of time. My job was the problem because I had no time to cook his favorite tagliatelle and didn’t pay enough attention to him. My business trips were reasons to leave him alone and to go to a lover. The list of cavils grew every day.
I felt as a complete nullity. And what about him? He was not interested in anything. He went home from work to lie on the sofa and didn’t help me in anything. He didn’t want to play with our son. I didn’t say a word to reproach him… Now I want to divorce my husband. At that time, I tried to save our marriage.
At the end I found myself in a hospital with a nervous breakdown. I couldn’t bear it. Then I had almost a half of year of therapy, work with a psychiatrist, heavy drugs…
I cannot say that results of therapy were fantastic. Pills turned me into an absolutely lethargic person. I didn’t want anything. I let myself go. I was lying in bed for the whole day, staring at one spot. Yes, I stopped weeping and writhing in hysterics. But I turned into a “veggie”.
I could not even think of how it would end. But Mom of my husband came to me and asked me to stop torturing myself and repeating her mistakes.
As it turned out, the father of my husband was a tyrant too. Only a shaman could save her from a suicide. On her advice, I booked an individual meeting with the shaman Aayla. I said that I wanted to divorce my husband but I was afraid of losing my family.
Aayla made the cleansing ritual and removed all heavy thoughts. She diagnosed our marriage. It turned out that our relationships had been a disaster from the very beginning. They could end up only with self-destruction. It was hard for me to recognize that my love was an empty thing. But I am happy that I came to Aayla in time. Now I have completed the seminar “Roots of the lineage. Return the feminine power” and I am learning to live anew.
If you have issues with your partner and you feel that your union is falling apart, come to me! Pass the marriage diagnostics and get the professional recommendation of what to do.
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