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Aayla's mystical story

A flying dog

The world of the Siberian shamanism is full of miraculous healing and magic. But it doesn’t mean that there is no room for funny stories in our life. Today, I want to tell you a funny story, which happened a few years ago in one of the Baltic states.

A prayer for the world

My students and I travel around the world a lot. Sometimes, we arrange meetings in Power Places. Occasionally, we get together at someone’s place. That year, a friend of mine (and at the same time my student) invited us to his house. It was a big country house in one of the Baltic states. 

Of course, we accepted the invitation gladly and gratefully. First of all, I should emphasize that my friend’s house is located in the right place, in terms of energy. It is situated close to the forest. There are a lot of green plants around. Birds are singing. Flowers smell sweet. There are no big cities, no noisy highways, no harmful factories nearby. All of these things promote harmony, unity with nature. We feel like a part of our planet in such places. And, of course, at times like this, we try to do our best to protect the Earth from disasters, wars, epidemics and man-induced disasters.

  Aayla Shaman

That’s why I decided that we needed to say a SHAMANIC CIRCLE PRAYER.

It is a very powerful rite. It helps unite people throughout the world and make peace all over the Earth.

Moreover, I invited my 15 loyal students to the Baltic state. We had already said circle prayers with some of them before. Others hadn’t participated in this rite yet.

We lit a great fire, held our hands and circled it tightly. Before starting a prayer, I warned my students that there was no way we broke the circle during the rite.

A prayer for the world is always connected to spending a lot of energy and power, so I asked God Ulgen Khan for help. I felt his energy support and started praying.

We immersed ourselves in a prayer trance.

Gradually, I started feeling that my body became light. I started lifting off. It was a very strange feeling, which is different from individual practice. When you are in the forest or in the mountains, levitation is of another nature and gets power from the world of spirits and the earth. Here, in the course of a circle prayer, you are closely connected to the people in the circle energetically and mentally.

That’s why all of my students started levitating in a while. Anyway, many students didn’t even notice it. We immersed into the prayer so deep.

We finished praying, got back to the ground, unclasped our hands and saw something… unusual…

Aayla Shaman rituals

Dick the astronaut

To be more specific, we saw a flying dog! Yes, just imagine)

No, a flying dog wasn’t a shared hallucination! It was Dick – German shepherd of our hospitable host. The dog was there all the days we spent in my friend’s house. It watched us curiously, joined us when we were walking in the forest and it seemed to listen to our conversations keenly. 

Of course, that day, Dick was always close to us as well. It even helped bring firewood for the fire. It was a very smart dog!

Of course, we forgot about the dog, when we started praying. And it got in the middle of our circle, right where the energy concentration was the highest. And Dick was the first one to start flying. The dog is lighter than the human. That was the reason the dog kept on levitating after we stopped.

Aayla Shamanic

Put it shortly, when we saw Dick, it was holding on hard to the fence with its teeth, so that it couldn’t fly higher. It was terrified and looked at us from the above. 

It came down, started whining sorrowfully, rushed to the house, hid under the favorite armchair of the master. We spent the rest of the day trying calm down the dog and ask for its forgiveness. Dick calmed down in a while. It seemed to have no hard feelings about us anymore. But every time we sat in circle, it rushed to the fence and grabbed it with its powerful jaw. He was afraid that he would fly away)))

I go into details concerning the circle shamanic prayer and how you can participate in it at the seminars and trainings. Register or visit a private consultation.


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