Workshop The Power of Lineage. Stage 2 – The Health of Lineage
“If someone in your lineage suffered from problems or diseases, it means that at this moment in life there is someone in your lineage who can stop it.”
For centuries, information about the important role of the Lineage in human life has been hidden, and ties with the Lineage destroyed.
Due to different political circumstances we know neither our past nor our roots.
Because of the broken ties with our ancestors, we have lost a huge power that gives everything – health, wealth and happiness in family life.
If a tree has its roots cut off, no matter how healthy, beautiful and blooming it is, it simply can’t exist. It will fall down, dry up and die out.
Most lineages have found themselves in the same situation – we do not know our roots and it is very difficult to find them.
That is why we use the unique ability of shamanism to travel in a subtle world and to communicate with the souls of our ancestors in order to restore the energetic power of the lineage and to give a worthy future to our children.
Firstly, they possess ancient primordial knowledge about the structure and interconnection of the world of the present, past and future. It is not by accident that shamanism is called the father of world religions.
Secondly, although nowadays attempts to solve human problems are often unsuccessful, shamans still find missing people, cure deadly diseases and help people solve their personal problems.
Contrary to the superstitions created around shamanism, you will not need to go to the taiga, kill animals and perform incomprehensible ritual actions. The seminar uses science-proven shamanic knowledge and methods of working with our subconscious in the state of trance because it is the most powerful state of our brain that will help you get your life in order.
We have established a connection with the spirit of lineage.
- We have studied the original state of the lineage tree.
- We have made a shamanic journey to our ancestors.
- We have made a connection with the ancient elder of the lineage stronger.
- We have learned to pray for the dead and for the living in our lineage.
- We have combined the power of the two sides of the lineage.
- We have learned to purify our homes and our lineage’s birthplace from negative energies.
- We have gained grace from the spirit of money/established a connection with it.
We will direct all the energy that has been released to help our children, to shape the future of several generations to come and to provide for the well-being of our entire lineage.
This shamanic seminar is a lively communication with the spirits of our ancestors, so the shaman has the right to make adjustments to the seminar program taking account of the general state of the group and listening to the advice of the spirits.
We will work with specific problems. We will start with a detailed study of our lineage – we will make a diagnosis of the lineage. Please note – you will need to find and bring photos of your relatives and ancestors.
We will continue working with lineage diseases such as oncology, psoriasis, diabetes, bone system diseases and genetic diseases. These are the diseases that are passed on from generation to generation because their cause is within the lineage
Next we will work with the most severe problems in the lineage such as alcoholism, drug addiction and lineage bad spells and curses. In today’s world these woes destroy the lives of many people, families and entire lineages.
We will track down the cause of your financial failure by studying the history of several generations in your family and will work on it. If every next generation in your lineage is worse off than the previous one, then the spirit of poverty and destitution lives in your lineage. Everyone in the lineage has a background – oppression, dispossession, resettlement, financial fraud, debts and loans. All these are signs of the spirit of poverty in the family.
Watch interview with Aayla speaking on the topic of the seminar
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